gw2 raiding

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s Bastion of the Penitent raid lore

As promised, I'm making a return to the lore found within Guild Wars 2's newest raid Bastion of the Penitent now that we've summarised the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Creating a better balance in Guild Wars 2 raiding

One of the major concerns aired by the Guild Wars 2 playerbase regarding raid content is the risk of juicy raid-only story details being gated...

Flameseeker Chronicles: A guide to Forsaken Thicket, Guild Wars 2’s first raid

I have to apologise to raiders for not finishing my boss guides I began back in 2015: This is one of those articles that...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s third raid wing

Forsaken Thicket is set to get much larger and... lanier... today: I was given the opportunity to test out the third wing of Guild Wars 2's...