
The Stream Team: Another foray into Fractured

It's been almost exactly a year to the day since Massively OP's MJ peeked into Fractured. So much can happen in twelve months, and...

The Stream Team: Crawling through the Clockwork Guild Tomb in Neverwinter

As much as Massively OP's MJ has been enjoying Neverwinter's Neverdeath Graveyard, it is almost time to move on. One last task remains: to...

The Stream Team: Heading into AQ3D’s new Heartwood

It's springtime, so it is only fitting that the big Heartwood update has sprung in AQ3D! The zone is blooming with new beauty and...

The Stream Team: Bunnies and Chimera in Warframe

The Sacrifice may be over, but Massively OP's MJ is not done with Warframe's story! She still has more missions to complete before she...

Tamriel Infinium: Exploring the revamped vampires of Elder Scrolls Online’s Greymoor

Ever since Molag Bal created the first vampires in Tamriel to spite the aedra Arkay, they have held a unique place in the stories...

The Stream Team: Party crashing in Dungeons and Dragons Online

Last week, Massively OP's MJ talked a giant into becoming an actor in DDO. Tonight, she gets to play the part of a party...

Choose My Adventure: The weird world of Heroes Online in Roblox

I had a feeling this whole month of write-ups would go weirdly, and sure enough, it did. It was only until after I got...

The Stream Team: Making melee mayhem with a Path of Exile Marauder

If one thing could be said about Massively OP's MJ, it's that she really likes Path of Exile's witch. Which is why it was...

The Stream Team: Colossal kitties in Guild Wars 2

Some days you game hardcore, and other days you just want to chill and admire the colossal kitties. The latter is exactly what Massively...

The Stream Team: Celebrating six years of Elder Scrolls Online with song

Someone is turning six years old today! It's ESO. Elders Scrolls Online is that someone. The MMORPG is celebrating six years of Tamriel today,...

The Stream Team: The third part’s the charm in Warframe’s The Sacrifice

"The hardest part is over" -- or so Massively OP's MJ was told. She's completed two parts of Warframe's The Sacrifice story quest now,...

The Stream Team: Another attempt at AQ3D’s Yokai adventures

Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to do some Yokai story in AQ3D she was waylaid by a visit from Artix! Much fun was...

The Stream Team: Exploring Dungeons and Dragons Online’s currently free content

With folks stuck at home during the pandemic, DDO has opened all of its quests for free throughout the month of April. Massively OP's...

The Stream Team: Celebrating First Contact Day in Star Trek Online and the Borg

Star Trek Online fans are very familiar with the celebration of First Contact Day, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to join the festivities....

The Stream Team: Looking for SWTOR datacrons in Alderaan places

Alderaan meets a sad end, but not today. Today, Massively OP's Larry and MJ might meet a sad end though! The duo is off...

Choose My Adventure: Albion Online, chestnut logs, and terrible mistakes

I regret to inform you all that my final moments in Albion Online were something of a bellyflop. A number of smaller frustrations just...

The Stream Team: Tracking the Yuty mission in ARK: Genesis

One of the unique things about ARK: Genesis is the introduction of missions in game. Massively OP's MJ has tried one with tossing dodos,...

The Stream Team: Plagued by pink bubblegum boulders in Astroneer

Massively OP's MJ is in the middle of unlocking the planet Vesania in Astroneer, a land of pink bubblegum boulders that keep trying to...

The Stream Team: Enjoying the outdoors with LOTRO’s spring festival

Usually, springtime means a time to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air, blooming flowers, and blossoming trees. But for Massively OP's MJ right...

The Stream Team: Sheltering in space in Ship of Heroes

So Massively OP's MJ is confined to home now, but what if she were confined to a giant ship? Ship of Heroes has opened...