
The Stream Team: A Marvel Heroes Beast breakdance-athon and giveaway

Massively OP's MJ had so much fun with Beast in Marvel Heroes that all her friends have gotten one, and a breakdance challenge has...

The Stream Team: Would you love a Paladins Maeve? Watch and win!

Would you love to play Paladins' Maeve? Well this week is all about love, and Massively OP's MJ has some codes for this brand-new...

Elder Scrolls Online’s furniture crafting guide will help you spiff up your Homestead house

If you watched Larry's and my stream on The Elder Scrolls Online's new Homestead patch last week, you probably heard us speculate on how...

The Stream Team: ARK’s night is dark and full of dinos (to eat)

Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night? You should be in ARK -- especially if that bump also bites! Unless,...

Elder Scrolls Online fansite leaks epic Morrowind images and lore

If you were sad as I was that The Elder Scrolls Online's Homestead housing patch this past week didn't offer much for the provincial...

The Stream Team: Conan Exiles’ killer crocs and ferocious fowl

Considering anything in Conan Exiles to be harmless can be a fatal mistake, as Massively OP's MJ recently learned. What she thought was a...
Herp to the derp.

WoW Factor: Examining World of Warcraft’s 7.2 update

Patch 7.2 is the first real content patch that we've gotten for World of Warcraft post-Legion. Obviously, 7.1 wasn't devoid of content, but it...

The Stream Team: Racing to see Landmark builds

Every time Massively OP's goes to visit one Landmark build, she sees more in the distance to visit. At this rate she'll never get...

The Stream Team: Checking out SMITE Tactics’ Chinese pantheon plus giveaway

Massively OP's MJ got to peek into SMITE Tactics a bit during Hi-Rez Expo 2017, but she didn't really have time to dive in...

The Stream Team: Heading to SWTOR’s Asylum

The Gravestone launched, and Massively OP's Larry and MJ got to see just how powerful this ancient SWTOR ship was. Is. Was: Many systems...

The Stream Team: The quest to find the perfect Elder Scrolls Online house

Massively OP's MJ hasn't accumulated the game riches that Larry has, so she can't acquire any fancy houses in Elder Scrolls Online. Luckily for...
Hey-nonny-nonny, it's time for another song you skip over!

Choose My Adventure: LOTRO in hindsight, WildStar ahead

Writing about Lord of the Rings Online is an odd experience for me because the reality is pretty simple: I don't like the game...

The Stream Team: So many Landmark builds…

There are so many cool Landmark builds to see and so little time! Massively OP's MJ is not sure how she can possibly enjoy...

The Stream Team: House hunting in Elder Scrolls Online Homestead

Every adventurer needs a place to hang his or her hat... or helmet. This week, ZeniMax Online Studios gave all Elder Scrolls Online players...

First Impressions: Struggling to survive in Conan Exiles

I am no stranger to covering survival sandboxes for Massively OP. I wrestled with dinosaurs before ARK: Survival Evolved was a thing. I got kidnapped...

The Stream Team: Bringing out the Beast in Marvel Heroes

Is your favorite Marvel universe character in Marvel Heroes yet? Massively OP's MJ can now play one of her all-time favorites as Beast has finally...

The Stream Team: Attempting an ARK arena assault

The tek tier is finally here! That means Massively OP's MJ is going to show off dino laser helmets. But in order for everyone...

The Stream Team: SMITE’s mighty Vamana giveaway

It's been over two weeks since Masively OP's MJ had a SMITE giveaway (the horror!), but she's aiming to fix that right now. Today,...

The Stream Team: Celebrating seven years of Star Trek Online

What do groundhogs and Star Trek Online have in common? They both celebrate today! STO turns seven today, and Massively OP's MJ is heading...

The Stream Team: Celebrating Global Agenda by playing Paladins

Global Agenda turns seven today, but since every work around to get the game back on her computer failed, Massively OP's MJ will have...