
West Virginia is alike all over.

Blade & Soul offers an overview of the world at large

There's a great big world out there in Blade & Soul, but if you were hoping it would be a calm and welcoming place...
Sometimes a ship is just a ship.

LEGO Universe died on the sword of dong-detecting software

Give another human being a creative tool with the instruction to make anything, and odds are that first creation is going to be some...

EVE Evolved: Have the Drifters conquered the Jove Empire?

EVE Online's Carnyx release is right around the corner on June 2nd, and it's going to be a big update! The Caldari will finally...
Oh, yeah, we sort of see it now.

Did you know Diablo III was once planned as an MMO?

It's indisputable that World of Warcraft took a lot of nods from online Diablo II when it first launched. Sometimes, it almost seems as...
Again? Still?

An all-Death Knight party downs the current apex of World of Warcraft raiding

So, what's the best group composition for endgame raiding in World of Warcraft? It looks like it's Death Knights. Just a bunch of Blood-spec...
If I could turn back time.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns’ first elite spec is the Chronomancer

Let's talk history for a moment. Before Guild Wars 2 was a thing, before it was even an idea, the team at ArenaNet was working...

WoW Factor: Flying ruined everything and shouldn’t be removed

Allowing flying mounts in World of Warcraft was a terrible mistake that should never have been corrected. For those not up on their history, here's...
You may be my old favorite, but you don't get a free pass.

WoW Factor: The design slide from start to present

After more than a decade of operation, a curious thing has happened to World of Warcraft: It's circled back around on an awful lot...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten more facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you several stories from EverQuest veterans about what life in the game was like back then....
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

PAX East 2015: A chat with SOTA’s Richard Garriott

Richard Garriott casts a long shadow in the MMO industry, with Ultima Online serving as the first fully graphical MMO and ushering in the genre...
When leveling alts was already the plan...

WoW Factor: A self-defeating genre

Remember when World of Warcraft launched? I sure do. I remember when the game's developers strapped into a helicopter and broke into the building...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a good grasp of your MMO’s history?

As someone who's played his fair share of both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 over the years, I have to confess that I've...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

MMOs change. We know that, but we also tend to forget it as well. The games that we play today can often be light-years...