just survive

See: H1Z1

EG7 Q3 2024: Palia hits console this spring as EverQuest, LOTRO drive Daybreak revenue

EG7 - that's the Swedish games conglom that bought up Daybreak and then kinda got taken over by Daybreak, amusingly - released its year-end...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2025?

You know, you're not reading this piece until January, but I sat down to write it ahead of the turn of the year, when...

Palia teases Season of Splendor and Winterlights for tomorrow

I don't know about you, but I most definitely did not expect to be hearing so much praise for the newly purchased Palia in...

EG7 Q3 2024: EverQuest, LOTRO, and Palia gave Daybreak its best quarter all year

The quarterly financials avalanche continues this week with Enad Global 7, better known to MMORPG fans as the company that bought Daybreak and then...
Image unrelated.

Daybreak bought Palia studio Singularity 6 and aims to bring the game to launch

File this one under "did not see this coming in a million years but also not sad about it whatsoever": Daybreak has acquired Palia...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with NCsoft’s long-awaited Throne and Liberty, launching September 17

Most of the games I played at Summer Game Fest were more enjoyable than I expected - including Throne and Liberty, which was probably...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with PvE-centric sci-fi horror survival shooter MMO Once Human

For those who saw Once Human and thought, "Gee, that kind of looks like a mix of H1Z1 and The Secret World," you're not wrong based on...

Persist Online interview: CipSoft explains why Persist is an MMORPG, not a survival shooter

Earlier this week, we covered the surprising news that Tibia developer CipSoft has a new MMORPG on the way. At least, the studio is...
Create and destroy alike!

EG7 Q1 2024: Daybreak still mum on PlanetSide 2, new H1Z1 game hires lead designer

It's not even been two weeks since Daybreak owner EG7 published its 2023 annual financial report, which of course omitted everything relevant that happened...

EG7’s 2023 annual report claims Daybreak and SSG collectively count 264 staffers

Swedish gaming conglom EG7 released its annual report this week, and while there isn't a ton of new-new in it for those of us...

EG7 Q4 2023: DCUO’s delayed latest-gen console launch hurt Daybreak’s revenues last quarter

While bigger games companies continue to flail, EG7 actually managed to grow last year, as its latest investor report demonstrates, with overall revenues up...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2024?

Every year when it comes time to update this poll for January, I consider tossing it out. But the last few years of Daybreak...
Hooray, everything is meaningless.

Z1 Battle Royale, formerly H1Z1, kicks back to a semi-charmed kind of life

Some failed online games die virtually overnight, while others linger on as shuffling zombies that refuse to quit moving. H1Z1 certainly isn't the former,...
Bye, I guess.

Vague Patch Notes: Pivots don’t work with MMOs

So we can pretty much confirmed now that Pantheon's goose is thoroughly cooked. Yes, I know, the folks at Visionary Realms are claiming that...

EG7 hopes to develop a new EverQuest MMORPG (EverQuest 3?) for 2028 after years of rumors

So, who had EverQuest 3 announcement on the 2023 predictions list? We award you half points for your prescience tonight. Admittedly, a new installment in...

EG7 Q2 2023: Daybreak’s MMORPGs are ‘predictably stable’

It's starting to look as if the Daybreak-run EG7 conglom is finally at the end of its bonkers revenue run: According to the Swedish...

EG7 Q4 2022: Revenues are up thanks to mobile as LOTRO sees ‘mainstream resurgence’

Enad Global 7's Q4 2022 investor report dropped over the weekend, with a recap of the year for Swedish games corp EG7 and its...

EG7 Q3 2022: LOTRO’s monthly active players are up 11% compared to last year

If you can pull your eyes away from the Activision-Blizzard/NetEase trainwreck that unfolded overnight, then we've got a blast of new financial news for...

Global Chat: Changing opinions about WoW’s dungeon finder

With the dungeon finder being left out of Wrath Classic, it's caused more than a few players to re-evaluate the pros and cons of...

EG7 Q4 2021: EG7 and Daybreak post huge revenues, bank future on MTGO, LOTRO

Overnight, Swedish gaming company Enad Global 7 posted its Q4 2021 financial report, which of course is useful to MMORPG players as EG7 has...