
EVE Evolved: A furious supercapital war is raging in EVE Online

This year kicked off with a bang for EVE Online as rumblings emerged of impending war on a scale that the gaming world had...

EVE Online political betrayal results in record-breaking theft

The EVE Online twitterverse exploded late last night with the news of a political twist so enormous that it's become the largest recorded theft...

EVE Evolved: The strategy and narrative of EVE’s revenge war

At the start of this month, we reported on a massive new war that was kicking off in the north of EVE Online. The...

EVE Online’s massive Battle at the M-O Keepstar has cost gamers over $7000 so far

Another massive battle has taken over EVE Online, this one likely to go down in EVE history as the Battle at the M-O Keepstar,...

EVE Evolved: Controversy over gambling bans and charities

It's been a crazy, drama-filled week in EVE Online, starting with a controversial change to the EULA that will ban all gambling sites using in-game currency or assets...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Andie Nordgren on EVE Online’s Citadel expansion launch and beyond

EVE Online's highly anticipated Citadel expansion has now launched, adding a whole new class of player-built structures to the game for corporations to build...

EVE Evolved: Citadel stats revealed, theorycrafting begins

EVE Online's Citadel expansion is due to launch this spring, transforming the way many of us play the game through the introduction of player-owned...