major patch

Fighting a bear is always a challenge.

Allods Online previews the Incarnation abilities for its classes

The classes of Allods Online are getting a big update with the game's next major patch, with a whole new set of abilities and...
I know, I usually don't reuse these so quickly, but come on. This time it makes perfect sense.

Wisdom of Nym: Analyzing Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.2 notes

It's patch day, ladies and gentlemen! All right, so it's the day before patch day. It's close to patch day. It's patch day adjacent....
This is the way the world ends.

SMITE rolls out Season 3 with a new map, new skins, and new mechanics

The third season of SMITE has begun! Will Brad reveal his love for Dylan? Will anyone realize that Rachel is carrying Simon's child? Does...

Skyforge is making screenshots way easier with its new screen-pausing ‘photomode’

Do you suffer from screenshot envy? Does it bother you that developers will produce screenshots that offer a perfect little slice of the action...

Elite Lord of Alliance’s first major content patch adds a new level cap, a new area, and Christmas

How long should a game be around before you start upping the level cap? Elite Lord of Alliance (or ELOA as it's known to...
Flight of the Matrimony.

Final Fantasy XIV releases initial patch notes for patch 3.1

You know a major patch is coming for Final Fantasy XIV when the patch notes are out and the patch is still a few...

Skyforge’s Crucible of the Gods update is live now

Have you been playing Skyforge and complaining that there's nothing to do? If so, how did you get to that point? The game has...

Warframe’s Echoes of the Sentient update is live today

Warframe players take the role of heavily armed space ninjas just by logging in. As such, it makes sense that the game would have...
Always the same.

Diablo III previews the Ruins of Sescheron for patch 2.3

In one respect, Diablo III is fairly littered with powerful treasures. That's the core of its gameplay. You are assaulted by a rain of...
So many colors in the anger rainbow.

TERA’s latest patch invites you to go berserk

Do you want to get angry? Do you already feel pretty angry? Do you feel so angry that you want other people to hit...
I gots to bag it up.

RIFT introduces new Planar Crafting mechanics in its next major patch

As long as you're tearing open the spaces between dimensions in RIFT, you might as well get some new crafting materials. The new Planar...
If at first you don't succeed, alter the timeline.

Star Trek Online’s Iconian War begins today

For the past five years of operation, Star Trek Online has built up to the conflict with the Iconians. Now it's time for the...