marvel heroes

Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Marvel Heroics: The joys of pet ownership

I've always been a sucker for vanity pets in MMOs. It's not just the layer of customization and ownership pride that lugging along one...

The Stream Team: Seeing more story on Marvel Heroes’ Storm

As hard as it is for MassivelyOP's MJ to resist the siren call of Marvel Heroes' Monday Midtown madness, she's really eager to finally...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 36: Team Sparkles

Justin and Bree discuss the World of Darkness sale, Star Trek Online, LOTRO's Minas Tirith, and Marvel Heroes, with mailbag questions on minimum viable products and social ecosystems.

Marvel Heroes releases Blade, teases Danger Room in time for Halloween

Marvel Heroes' 52nd character launches today. The stylish quasi-vampire Blade joins the roster just in time for Halloween along with new costumes for Blade and Wolverine...

Marvel’s All-New, All Different initiative means new Marvel Heroes costumes

Marvel's All-New, All Different initiative is coming to Marvel Heroes. Entertainment Weekly has a new trailer that introduces team-up and character costumes for Spider-Gwen,...

Blade daywalks into Marvel Heroes this month

Blade is Marvel Heroes' 52nd playable character.  He's not quite in the game, yet, though, so put away your sharp stakes and fake vampire teeth....

Global Chat: Why your MMO pushed me away

Hey MMO developers, have you ever wondered why players are driven away from your games? Two bloggers took a stab at a list of features...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 34: Rollbacks and breakups

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, WildStar, GW2, RuneScape, Marvel Heroes, Black Desert, Nexon/NCsoft, WoW, and Wakfu, with mailbag questions on expansion pricing and horizontal gameplay.

Marvel Heroics: Rating Scarlet Witch and Rogue

I'm back with another installment of rating two Marvel Heroes characters that I've leveled up to 60. Last time I looked at Squirrel Girl...

The Stream Team: Going gangbusters with Marvel Heroes’ Spider-Gwen

Is that a new hero to play in Marvel Heroes? Why  yes, yes it is! Well, in a way at least: Thanks to new...

Marvel Heroes 2016 arrives this December with tons of initiatives

Come this December, Marvel Heroes will be upgrading from its 2015 version to 2016, representing the new model of superpowered gameplay heading our way. Gazillion...

Marvel Heroes upgrades Captain Marvel, adds Spider-Gwen team-up

While today's Marvel Heroes patch doesn't have yet another hero for you to play with, it is changing one of its existing roster to...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most casual-friendly MMO?

One of the factors that keeps me from playing more MMOs than I already do is that so many of them are not very...
What happend to your boobs, Kitty?

You can’t touch Kitty Pryde in this Marvel Heroes trailer

What do Kitty Pryde and MC Hammer have in common? It's not the parachute pants; it's the fact that you literally can't touch Kitty...

The Stream Team: Checking out Marvel Heroes’ Kitty Pryde

After listening to player feedback, the Marvel Heroes dev team went back and retooled Kitty Pryde. You just can't have Kitty without some teleporting,...

Marvel Heroes adds Kitty Pryde and Sunspot

Ninjitsu, phasing, and dragons: Marvel Heroes' newest character Kitty Pryde has it all. The X-Men favorite joins the roster in today's 1.73 patch as a primarily...

Massively OP’s first impressions of Devilian

Call my stance on Trion World's upcoming Devilian "oh-so-cautiously interested." Personally, I think Trion invited more grief than it wanted with the importation of ArcheAge to...

Marvel Heroes redesigns Captain Marvel to make her all-new, all-different

Ms. Marvel will soon be promoted in Marvel Heroes. One of the staple superheroes of Gazillion's MMO is about to make the transition to Captain Marvel...

Perfect Ten: Ten well-known voice actors behind SWTOR’s characters

When it launched, Star Wars: The Old Republic was one of the biggest video game voice-over projects that BioWare or any studio had ever...

PSA: Marvel Heroes is taking votes for new characters

Marvel Heroes is apparently throwing open the voting for new characters, according to a tweet earlier this afternoon. The choices are Angela, Gamora, Green...