mass effect andromeda
BioWare’s former general manager discusses the performance and limitations of the Frostbite engine
You may or may not blame the woes of Anthem on the engine it's built upon, and odds are that's probably not the cause of...
BioWare: Anthem will be ‘unlike anything you’ve played’
While not going into any details about the progress of Anthem's development and testing dates, BioWare nevertheless attempted to prime the pump for fans'...
Mass Effect: Andromeda ends single-player support, forges on with multiplayer updates
It's the end of the line for Mass Effect: Andromeda, as BioWare announced this past weekend that it had no further plans to develop...
Mass Effect: Andromeda launches its first multiplayer weekend event
While the player character is working hard to do the heavy lifting of finding a new home in Mass Effect: Andromeda, players support the...
Mass Effect: Andromeda will have free DLC expansions
Worried about getting bored with Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer component? If it's anything like the previous game in the series, it should be robust,...
The Daily Grind: Would you play a Mass Effect MMO?
E3 news about Mass Effect: Andromeda has got me hyped for the series all over again. The single-protagonist (or antagonist, depending) storyline that's more...