massively single player

MMO Burnout: Mass Effect’s Legendary Edition modernizes a classic

Most MMO players will admit to feeling the need to step away from the multiplayer genre from time to time. This seems especially true...

Why I Play: What keeps me coming back to The Secret World

Now and then I'll allude to being the weirdo who's still playing The Secret World -- not Secret World Legends, but the original. I've...

Not So Massively: Shadow of War plays fast and loose but hits the mark

Like many of you, I suspect, I have myriad games in my backlog. These neglected titles were typically obtained on sale at a point...

Exploring ‘The Video Game Debate’: Are MMO communities real or fake?

We've come a long way in our discussion of Rachel Kowert and Thorsten Quandt's book The Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social, and Psychological...