massively uplifting

Massively Uplifting is a monthly feature column covering our favorite community warm-fuzzies and feelz, helmed by MJ Guthrie. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Massively Uplifting: MMOs from LOTRO to ESO bring comfort, healing, camaraderie, and charity

Summer may be ending, but good deeds and uplifting stories aren't! Throughout August we've been surrounded by stories of kindness, generosity, and goodness within...

Massively Uplifting: Good deeds don’t take the summer off for Bungie, Niantic, and Trolls in WoW

When summer comes, some lucky folks get to take the season off. Even those who continue on their regular labors often head out on...

Massively Uplifting: Speech therapy, a college class in WoW, and the Ian Holm tribute that crashed LOTRO

Inside or outside? Like a cat at the door, June had many of us unsure if we wanted to go out or stay in;...

Massively Uplifting: Charity tourneys, Asheron’s Call in Animal Crossing, and over a million Kind Words

May day! May day! We have warm fuzzies incoming! And just in time to start June off with happier thoughts. And who couldn't use...

Massively Uplifting: Communities and companies bolster COVID-19 relief and mental health support

April showers of good deeds bring May flowers of comfort and hope. And after the last couple of months, we sure could use a...

Massively Uplifting: Cake, coloring, and EVE Online’s PLEX4Good COVID-19 relief

The news this past month has been infected with the novel coronavirus. It's everywhere we turn, and we can't escape it even if we...

Massively Uplifting: DragonCon announces official charity, more studios support Australian wildfire relief

This past month has been filled with its share of dark news, not the least of which is the coronavirus that is plaguing the...

Massively Uplifting: Saving lives and wildlife, studios and gamers start 2020 with compassion and charity

A new year has begun, and many folks are looking ahead to a better 2020. And who might be making it better? Gamers! Many...

Massively Uplifting: Gaming studios and communities support kids, trees, cats, STEM, and gaming grandparents

While there are understandably many reasons folks may not want to look back on 2019 fondly, the year wasn't all bad. Massively Uplifting has...

Massively Uplifting: MMO fundraisers, GW2 raid class, and saving trees and cats

Being grateful isn't relegated to just one month, but November is when many people -and gamers - double-down on the things they are thankful...

Massively Uplifting: Gamers and studios raise millions for Extra Life and other charities

Had enough of the tricks of October? How about some treats now that we're in November! Generous donations #forthekids were collected by gamers and...

Massively Uplifting: From weddings to memorials, gamers celebrate life in AQ3D, GW2, BDO, LOTRO, WoW, and more

It's an alphabet soup of good (MMO) vibes this month! While many may have returned to the school of hard knocks this fall, plenty...

Massively Uplifting: LOTRO community events, appreciative FFXIV fans, and making gaming accessible

Just because it's the hottest month of the year doesn't mean we don't want to bury ourselves in warm fuzzies! Positivity is always welcome...

Massively Uplifting: Good deeds by the Paladins, Warframe, and AdventureQuest 3D communities

Here we go again with the "games are evil" nonsense, right? We've had that agenda pushed in our faces before, and Massively Uplifting is...

Massively Uplifting: Charity comes in many forms for Bethesda, Square Enix, and Digital Extremes

Summer smiles -- get 'em while they're hot! If you are looking for a way to make your mood rise like the temperature, we've...

Massively Uplifting: Supporting St. Jude Children’s Hospital and PRIDE month

April showers bring May flowers, but big-hearted gamers bring forth good deeds any month of the year! And May was no different. Generosity with...

Massively Uplifting: Destigmatizing mental health in games, celebrating loved ones in LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and Elite

Spring started splendidly this year. While all may not come up roses in the world at large, plenty of good deeds and uplifting stories...

Massively Uplifting: Bethesda’s gift to gaming granny, friendships forged in EverQuest and Guild Wars 2

It is no joke: There is plenty that's good going on in the gaming world, and we want to share that with you. You...

Massively Uplifting: Black Desert’s lantern memorial, a gift of sight in Wizard101

Gamers get a bad rap. Studios are seen as heartless villains. Mainstream media is quick to demonize us, and we can be quick to...