Devilian turns on megaserver tech, starts regular PvP event
The transition to Devilian's new megaserver technology is complete. Trion Worlds has merged all of the game's population into two plus-sized shards, one for...
Devilian preps megaserver tech, introduces the pet appearance system
Doesn't the term "megaserver" give you instant goosebumps and make you want to stand up and salute the world for having birthed something so...
Devilian prepares spring event and readies megaserver hardware
Devilian has a lot brewing on its action-RPG stove, according to its April producer's letter. A spring event is almost here, and with the...
Rumor: SWTOR datamining leads to megaserver speculation
According to the Star Wars: The Old Republic player-run datamining site TOR Community, the current "PvE and PvP servers are being replaced with PvE and PvP...
WildStar adds temporary new servers to lighten F2P load [Updated]
There's no question that WildStar's servers have been crushed this week under the weight of the free-to-play population. Carbine admitted that its four "megaservers"...