
The Daily Grind: What’s the best/worst looking set of MMO armor?

I love cosmetic armor. I love regular armor, too, since it tends to keep my character alive, but it's almost always butt ugly or...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs do you avoid based on art design?

During my few weeks trial of Final Fantasy XIV, I came to two solid conclusions. First, the game was awfully pretty and detailed -- pure...

Global Chat: Returning to WildStar for F2P

Many WildStar fans, past and present, are digging into the sumptuous buffet of the free-to-play patch on the test server for a better idea...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios interfere with server politics?

Last week, a reader named Bob alerted us to a messy political situation on EverQuest's Lockjaw progression server. Apparently, characters from a large uberguild were...

The Daily Grind: How long do you spend decorating your MMO houses?

I played more Star Wars: The Old Republic than I intended this weekend. The weather on Sunday was crap, so I logged in to...

MMO Week in Review: What the Smed (August 23, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! Stop...

One Shots: Quiet grace

When I take pictures of people in real life, I almost never ask them to pose. That feels so artificial to me; I'd rather...
Where am I going to put all of this?

The Daily Grind: What sort of things do you try to capture in screenshots?

I'm not as good about taking screenshots as I want to be. I try (oh my God do I try) but I frequently forget...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: August 22, 2015

One of these weeks we'll stop writing about Project Gorgon in this space, but not today! And why should we, since the indie darling...
What was that vendor's name? Saw? Was it Saw? Adze? Saw sounds right-ish.

WRUP: Why did I take this screenshot edition

Hello, yes, do you know why I took this screenshot? I know I did take this screenshot. It was on my hard drive; that...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO prison?

Fictional prisons can be pretty fascinating to explore in books and video games. I've noticed that pretty much every MMO has at least one...
This is almost like owning a thing.

Betawatch: August 21st, 2015

Revival isn't yet in closed beta or closed alpha or even really in pre-alpha, but it is letting players walk around the houses they...

Leaderboard: Have you gotten married in an MMO?

TERA patched a wedding chapel into the lands of Arborea yesterday, and the occasion got me to wondering about holy matrimony in various other...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most original player-created MMO profession?

Rohan on the Blessing of Kings blog posted yesterday a fascinating article on player bankers in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I knew of players...

Massively Overthinking: MMOs that need VR

Man, our Kickstarter backers are fixated on virtual reality. It's almost as if you guys are really tech-savvy and into gaming immersion or something! Today's Massively Overthinking question...
Barfalo Wild Wings.

World of Warcraft’s 6.2.2 patch brings flying to Draenor on September 1st [Updated]

At long last, we have a definitive answer to the question of when flying will (probably) come to World of Warcraft's latest expansion: September...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best aquatic gameplay?

There are very few things that I miss about ArcheAge. One of them is the title's aquatic gameplay. Whether we're talking about its vast array...

The Daily Grind: Could The Secret World survive as a single-player game?

Most MMOs would make terrible single-player games by virtue of their scope and design. Take multiplayer out of it and most of us would...

Hearthstone reveals entire Grand Tournament card list

Hearthstone's Grand Tournament expansion will not only convey player's minds to the days of Warcraft-past but greatly add to the number of available cards and...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios disclose the odds of winning lockbox prizes?

Every once in a while in an MMO, the desire to play with numbers grips me, like the time I hand-crafted a thousand drinks in Star...