mists of ravenloft

How DDO’s Mists of Ravenloft went from concept art to game design

By now, Dungeons and Dragons Online's Mists of Ravenloft has seen a few turns of the full moon and settled into its niche in...

Global Chat: Love the farm, hate the farm

How do you feel about grinding in MMOs? What about farming? These questions can elicit a wide variety of answers, from shrieks of dismay...

Dungeons and Dragons Online adds a new raid while Hollywood preps yet another D&D flick

The terror of Dungeons and Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft are only increasing thanks to this week's Update 37.1. Standing Stone Games activated an additional...

Dungeons and Dragons Online gives out free level 10 characters for Mists of Ravenloft

For a limited time, Dungeons and Dragons Online is allowing players to leapfrog over a ton of advancement and create level 10 characters right...
Well, there are woods. There might be an elf or two in there.

Dungeons & Dragons Online launches the Mists of Ravenloft

There's a chill in the air through December under normal circumstances, but the chill rushing through Dungeons & Dragons Online is unrelated to the...

Dungeons and Dragons Online begins testing Mists of Ravenloft

With a December release window for the expansion beginning to loom large in Dungeons and Dragons Online's future, the team at Standing Stone Games...

Dungeons and Dragons Online fans break down Ravenloft pre-order packages

Dungeons and Dragons Online fans who find themselves scratching their +2 noggins over the different Mists of Ravenloft pre-order packages now have an ally...

Dungeons and Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft opens pre-orders, aims for December release

The, ahem, bloodiest MMO expansion of 2017 is finally available to pre-purchase. Dungeons and Dragons Online opened up pre-orders today for Mists of Ravenloft,...

Check out character creation, outfits, and hirelings for Dungeon & Dragons Online’s Raveloft jaunt

Looking forward to stepping into Ravenloft with Dungeons and Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft? Sure, theoretically you shouldn't be excited because you might get...

Dungeons and Dragons begins testing Mists of Ravenloft expansion with a new race

A week after Dungeons and Dragons Online teased the reveal of the much-anticipated Mists of Ravenloft expansion, the MMO started testing some of the...