
Raph Koster’s Playable Worlds is counting down to… something

An aura of mystery and intrigue's been swirling around Raph Koster's studio Playable Worlds and the multiverse sandbox MMORPG that it's been working on...

Pokemon Go players identify strange new creature during community day event

During the recent Pokemon Go community day event, trainers were surprised and confused to discover a strange, new Pokemon kicking around alongside the community...

X marks the spot! Legends of Aria scavenger hunt, MassivelyOP edition

You found it: Massively OP's screenshot in Legends of Aria's scavenger hunt. Citadel Studios has big prizes in store for the first person to...
Maybe... actual words?

Revelation Online is adding New Sulan over the summer

The latest producer's letter for Revelation Online has a secret, and that secret is New Sulan. We know from the letter that it's definitely...

Anatomy of Murder dares you to solve a murder mystery for cash

Think you're the world's greatest sleuth since Sherlock? Then you might want to try your hand at a new massive online murder mystery challenge,...