
A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.

Global Chat: Which mobs do you love killing in MMOs?

Everyone has mobs that they particularly enjoy offing in MMORPGs -- sometimes so much so that we go out of our way to get...

Guild Wars 2 is giving female Charr and Asura precursor breast armor

While it's been safe to assume for most MMOs that a female character of any race would have a bosom, Guild Wars 2 challenged...

Play Lineage II Classic with a European promo key from Innova and MOP

Most MMORPG veterans are surely familiar with NCsoft's Lineage II, the 2003 sequel to the still-wildly-popular-in-Korea Lineage. Last spring, the EU publisher, Innova, began...

Battle Bards Episode 76: Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns

“It’s high time that we talk about the Heart of Thorns expansion for Guild Wars 2!” Syl says, and we couldn’t agree more. The Battle...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 69: WildSteam

Justin and Bree discuss ESO, WoW, WildStar, Nostalrius, TSW, Star Citizen, Landmark, and FFXIV, with a mailbag question on MMO dungeons.
And now, it's party time.

Guild Wars 2 players fume over new lockbox cosmetics

Accompanying today's Guild Wars 2 raid wing patch is a cash shop update that has players pissed. New to the cash shop is the Privateer Weapon...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s third raid wing

Forsaken Thicket is set to get much larger and... lanier... today: I was given the opportunity to test out the third wing of Guild Wars 2's...
Fight that soul.

Blade & Soul shows off the new Soul Fighter class

At long last, players of Blade & Soul will be able to properly fight souls with the new Soul Fighter class. It's a class...
What do I do?

PSA: The E3 Humble Bundle is full of online gaming goodness

Is your favorite MMO going to be at E3 this year? There are some games there and many that aren't, so it's a bit...

Guild Wars 2 releases sound design video for latest raid wing

Did you hear something? Oh, it was just the sound of a Guild Wars 2 boss making death-rattle noises. Carry on. ArenaNet's just posted its third...

Landmark bombs on Steam while WildStar fans deliver positivity

It was probably inevitable that Landmark's official launch on Friday afternoon -- against the Warcraft movie and pre-E3 hoopla and following basically zero PR...
Holy moly.

The Daily Grind: What would you do in your MMO if you were suddenly uber wealthy?

Today's Daily Grind is inspired by a Reddit thread posed to Guild Wars 2 players asking them what they'd do if they suddenly had...

EVE Evolved: Four PvE improvements EVE needs

EVE Online is typically thought of as being a heavily PvP-oriented game, and for good reason. Players can attack each other anywhere in the...

One Shots: Fire + ice = mess

What do you get when you mix fire and ice? A steamy combination of incredible pictures... and an awful mess. Steampower Girl noticed that in...

The Soapbox: Sharing MMORPGs with my kids

"Dad, can I pilot your ship tonight?" I turn around to see my seven-year-old son giving me Bambi eyes with his hands clasped because, somewhere...

Aion returns to the Tower of Eternity in July

Some of the most momentous occasions in MMORPGs aren't when players are invited to explore strange, new zones, but when the community comes back...

Here’s how Guild Wars 2 blends creature and environment art to build a raid boss

ArenaNet has a fresh Guild Wars 2 video out today as part of its raid design series, this one focused on the art design...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with distinct visual styles

Given the choice, I am always going to pick a game with stylized graphics over realistic ones. This is for many reasons; it's partly...
Both hands!

Guild Wars 2’s Bobby Stein says raids won’t gate main story progress

ArenaNet's Narrative Lead Bobby Stein has hit the Guild Wars 2 forums to address some of the concerns raised this week when a forum...

Master X Master’s first alpha is locked in for June 21

NCsoft has announced that the first western alpha playtest for its IP-spanning MOBA Master X Master will kick off on June 21st. "We’ll be focusing...