Major Korean studio famed in the west for Mabinogi and Maplestory, among many other MMOs.
Mabinogi adds the Astrologer skills to its lineup with the first part of the Astrologer update
In real life, astrology is the art of putting together a sequence of words that sound generically flattering and advise people to avoid doing...
MapleStory’s second portion of The Dark Ride adds new boss, Dark Maplemas, and more XP bonuses
MapleStory players already knew that The Dark Ride update was broken up into two halves, so the fact that this week brought more of...
All the big MMO and multiplayer news from The Game Awards 2024
If you watched the 10th annual Game Awards tonight - perhaps alongside Chris and MJ - then you probably don't need this post. But...
Mabinogi brings a celestial scythe-wielding new class in its December 12 Astrologer update
What do reading the stars and swinging a scythe have in common? They're the tools of the trade for the upcoming Astrologer class that...
Vindictus seeks to stymie RMT bots by introducing a new currency that allows for in-game gold trading
Despite the risks to game accounts and personal security, MMO players would still rather spend money with gold-farming bots than try to make in-game...
The First Descendant’s second season is out now with a free bundle and a new battle pass
If you were wondering what the cosmetics for The First Descendant's second season looked like, well... they look more or less like you'd expect...
The Finals brings a new map, new items, and a guild-like clubs system with its December 12 Season 5 update
A new season is on the horizon for the PvP game show FPS The Finals, with Season 5 confirmed to arrive on Thursday, December...
Squad-based battle royale Supervive’s open beta earns positive reviews and over 47K players on Steam
Considering overall trends in the sub-genre, you'd be forgiven for thinking that the isometric squad-based battle royale shooter Supervive would be moving into a...
MapleStory adds an all-new Dark Ride event, revamps classes, and opens the Page of Memories in latest patch
Most of the time the events and updates applied to the global version of MapleStory are from the Korean version; this shouldn't come as...
G-Star 2024: Nexon teases Supervive, Project Overkill, and Arc Raiders as it celebrates its 30th birthday
Nexon brought its A-game to G-Star 2024 in Busan, South Korea, and by A-game, we really mean its whole game because the company has...
Nexon Q3 2024: DNF Mobile and MapleStory propel Nexon to record-high revenues
Nexon is celebrating its Q3 2024 financials this week - and we do mean celebrating, as the company claimed "record-breaking quarterly revenue" of ¥135.6B...
Mabinogi adds a new primeval winter difficulty for its Glenn Bearna boss fight
What's colder than cold? Primeval winter, clearly. That's the presumption being made for the headline feature of Mabinogi's most recent update, which introduced the...
Vindictus confirms progression refinement and new raid for November, next new hero in January
The next three months in the action MMO Vindictus have been officially mapped out by Nexon. Well, at least two of the three months....
The Daily Grind: Which dead MMORPG needs a resurrection *and* has a possible path to get it?
A while back, our team was working on a MapleStory piece when we did something we often do when writing about MapleStory: lament the...
Nexon’s MapleFest and Next On tease MapleStory’s Dark Ride, Mabinogi UE5, Nakwon Last Paradise, and more
Nexon has been busy hyping its MMOs this week with both MapleStory Fest and its Next On event, so let's dig in!
MapleStory Fest, which...
MapleStory Worlds makes its soft launch as it tries to entice creators with monetary incentive programs
Korean fans of MapleStory have already had their hands on Nexon's MapleStory Worlds since April, but now it's time for players in the Americas...
Vindictus turns 14 years old as Nexon launches the Ruin of the Forsaken update
Judging by the number of announcement posts and press releases Nexon is dispatching for Vindictus today, I think it's safe to say that the...
Mabinogi introduces new high-tier missions for crafters and readies next commerce season
What do you do when you're the top of the mountain as a crafter in Mabinogi? You find a new mountain to climb, that's...
MapleStory’s Midnight Carnival arrives for the Halloween season
Don't look now, but MapleStory might be crushing the competition with its Halloween update this year. The V.254 release arrived on Wednesday with the...
The First Descendant previews new character, boss fight, weapon, and mission type arriving October 10
The first season for The First Descendant is continuing to roll on through the month of October with the second update for the season...