out of the shadows

Flameseeker Chronicles: First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s Rising Flames

Logging into your Guild Wars 2 account right now will grant you access to an absolute treat in the form of episode 2 of the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s Out of the Shadows

I figure that it's been long enough for the majority of you to have run through Guild War's 2's first instalment of the Living...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s new Living Story has launched

Wowee, is it ever a massive day in the life of my favourite MMO! If you log in right now, you'll notice three greatly...

A sneak peek at Guild Wars 2’s Living World Season 3, Episode 1: Out of the Shadows

It's been nearly a month since the end of E3, but today, ArenaNet has finally given the go-ahead for press to talk about what we were...