perfect world

– Perfect World Entertainment (PWE), a video game publisher
– Perfect World International, a video game by PWE

I can't say it would be worse on consoles.

Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy arrives on consoles today

Happy Neverwinter patch day, console fans -- you're getting closer and closer to catching up with the PC master race today as Cloaked Ascendency...

Star Trek Online’s Reckoning headed to consoles on April 18

For one -- just one -- glorious week this month, Star Trek Online's console players will feel content that they will be warping around...

The MOP Up: Scorpio’s doomsday device (April 9, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Aesthetic loadout.

Neverwinter details the mechanics of loadouts

One character build cannot be used for everything in Neverwinter if you want to be the best at what you're doing. Certain situations require...
I've got to get gone, I've got to get going.

Star Trek Online wants to evaluate your potential

Just like teachers that harp on the unrealized "potential" of slacker students, Star Trek Online is turning a critical eye to its playerbase for...

Neverwinter announces May 2 Shroud of Souls update for PC

Perfect World announced this morning another major update for Neverwinter. It's to the point that this game gets so much content I can't even...

Star Trek Online announces Season 13: Escalation, coming April 25 on PC

PWE has just announced Star Trek Online's next season: Escalation. It lands on April 25th for PC players and continues the ongoing Tzenkethi plotline....

Massively Overthinking: The City of Heroes Master X Master debacle

On Tuesday, NCsoft announced that it plans to introduce Statesman, from the long-sunsetted City of Heroes, as a playable character in its MOBA, Master...

Neverwinter breaks out Steam trading cards

Did you have a trading card collection when you were a kid? I went along with the crowd buying baseball cards, even though I...

Star Trek Online preps Reckoning update for consolers in April

PWE announced this afternoon that Star Trek Online will drop the Reckoning update on console players next month on April 18th -- that's a...

Neverwinter proclaims the Day of the Dungeon Master

The dice are back, baby! A while ago, Cryptic paid homage to Neverwinter's tabletop roots by incorporating an Inception-like pen-and-paper experience into the MMORPG....
For chickens.

Perfect World sees mobile sales jump up in 2016

When it comes to financial reports, there's always one word that every investor wants to see: growth. And for those that read Perfect World's...

Everything console players need to know about Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy, launching April 11

Everyone loves expansions, right? Neverwinter's latest expansion, Cloaked Ascendancy, launched the last week of February, giving players the opportunity to delve in and enjoy...
It never ends.

Star Trek Online offers a broad overview of upcoming space combat balance changes

The space combat of Star Trek Online is pretty much the crown jewel of the game. It's intriguing, diverse, engaging, and pretty much everyone...
Breachy keen.

Star Trek Online urges players once more into the Breach on console

The Breach queue in Star Trek Online has been trimmed up nicely for console players, shortened to the most interesting portions of the queue...

One Shots: No more worlds to conquer

There's that special joy that every screenshotter knows when you're able to get that perfect angle, that photogenic pose, and then capture it for...

Forsaken World will let your new characters claim an inheritance

The next significant chapter of Forsaken World is coming, and its glorious name is Ascension. Never seen that name used for an MMO update,...

Neverwinter, Star Trek Online drop Windows XP support

Still clinging to Windows XP? Hope you're not planning on playing Neverwinter. PWE announced back in December that it would be dropping support for...
Like this, but with slightly better lines, hopefully.

Star Trek Online goes once more unto the Breach queue

A special version of Star Trek Online's Breach queue is now hailing captains to adventure. Cryptic brought back its five-player instanced Breach for a "faster-paced, action-packed"...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: Every MMORPG bestiary ever

I have played a lot of MMOs. It's inevitable, given enough years in this job and hobby. And the sad thing is that I...