playstation 4


PSA: Get FFXIV and Heavensward for $20 from Humble Bundle

Here's your solid deal for the day: Humble Bundle is selling both the core Final Fantasy XIV game and its first expansion, Heavensward, for...

Elder Scrolls Online plots a course to Morrowind’s closed beta

The Elder Scrolls Online is counting down the days until the Morrowind expansion -- but if you can't wait until June, you might be...

Tamriel Infinium: Examining the gods of Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind

As we all wait patiently for June 6th to come around so that we can play through Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, players might realize...

The Stream Team: Let there be cake for Elder Scrolls Online’s 3rd birthday!

Let there be cake! So says the celebration of Elder Scrolls Online's third birthday today. And Massively OP's MJ sees no reason to turn...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 111: Secret World’s Destiny

Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World, City of Heroes vs. MxM, Paragon Chat, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2 SAB, April Fools' Day, WoW 7.2, Destiny 2, and Club Penguin, with reader mail on Funcom and MMO guilds.

The Stream Team: Partying with fools in Elder Scrolls Online’s Jester’s Festival

April Fools' Day didn't end on April 1st in Elder Scrolls Online. No, there's still one more night to enjoy the holiday pranks, and...

Elder Scrolls Online is turning three, and it brought us all cake

The Elder Scrolls Online has come a really long way in three years, I think most of our readers will agree. That calls for...

SuperData examines gambling practices across the online gaming industry

Gambling in video games has been a huge topic for devoted MMORPG players over the last year or so, as core MMOs like Guild...
That's so metal.

DC Universe Online launches its next major event on April 5

The next big event in DC Universe Online pits heroes and villains alike against Starro, a mind-controlling interstellar starfish. That's just a fun phrase...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward in review – the main scenario

I never really had a chance to explore Final Fantasy XI expansion by expansion. By the time the game launched in North America, the...
Hire me.

Final Fantasy XIV makes a surprise appearance at WWE’s Wrestlemania

Professional wrestling is weird. Frequently, that means that it's weirdly awesome, but it's still weird. Case in point, you probably would not have expected...

Soak up an hour of Elder Scrolls Online’s new Warden

Are you bearly ready to roll up one of the new Wardens for this June's Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind? Future bear butts rejoice, then,...
In this trying time.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Hatching-tide offers you an egg mount in this trying time

There has never been a Hatching-tide event in Final Fantasy XIV that has not been at least a little weird. This year, however, it's...

Elder Scrolls Online battlegrounds AMA: Queues, rewards, leaderboards, and beyond Morrowind

ZeniMax regaled Reddit with a giant Ask Me Anything on The Elder Scrolls Online yesterday afternoon -- specifically, on Morrowind's battlegrounds. All three have...
You look develop-y.

APB Reloaded soft-launches on PlayStation 4 today

If your main reason for not playing APB Reloaded at this point is the fact that the game is not on the PlayStation 4,...
So who has money?

Destiny 2 launches on PC and console September 8, ‘and there will be a ton of loot’

As teased and prodded and hinted at all week, Destiny 2 is official, and we've finally got a trailer to go with it. Expect...
We did good, turns out.

Elder Scrolls Online posts a Morrowind province primer

So let's assume that you're a regular MMORPG player who's never really been into Elder Scrolls series, wasn't around for TES III: Morrowind, never...
what wait what

More Destiny 2 leaks support a PC version, future DLC, and the story

So what if there's a new Destiny 2 trailer on the way with an official announcement later today? That's later today. You want to...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #12-7

It's starting to get serious now. As we well know, people are highly opinionated about everything, but when it comes to music, there seems to...

Warframe broke its concurrency record, again, with Octavia’s Anthem

Remember back in November when Warframe pushed out The War Within and broke its concurrency record? Last week's techno-bard-themed Octavia's Anthem did it again....