raph koster

Stars Reach talks Unity, AWS, and how it avoids ‘endless bowls of oatmeal’-esque terrain generation

This week's Stars Reach development blog is a bit more granular than previous releases, but gamers who are curious about the tech behind the...

Stars Reach’s technical testing provoked emergent landscaping, player creativity, and the lag monster

Playable Worlds - technical designer Light Bates this time, not Raph Koster - has dished out another dev blog on Stars Reach's pre-alpha playtest....

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you see yourself playing five years from now?

Hey all, it's September 2029! We're just a few months away from the new decade, and against all odds, we're alive and still playing...
Oh dear.

Raph Koster shows off Stars Reach’s updated world graphics in new footage

When Playable Worlds first fully revealed Stars Reach to the public earlier this summer, the one sticking point with a certain segment of MMO...

Stars Reach releases video footage of its movement tech from earliest testing to now

When writing up a post about last week's Stars Reach dev blog on character movement, I kept thinking one thing: This article needs a...

Stars Reach previews its pre-alpha cameras and movement, from grappling to sliding

Raph Koster is back with another set of blogs on his upcoming MMORPG sandbox Stars Reach, this batch focusing on something that seems mundane...

Stars Reach begins testing this weekend as Raph Koster talks playstyle and the anti-endgame

Playable Worlds' Raph Koster is continuing his weekly dev blogs about Stars Reach's intended audience this week - though he does say this one...

The Daily Grind: Would you play an MMORPG that limited you to just one character?

When Star Wars Galaxies originally launched back in 2003, it had a rule that was fairly peculiar for its day: Players were limited to...
Shoot to wound!

Vague Patch Notes: Is it time for MMORPGs to start embracing romance?

The other day, I was writing about Baldur's Gate 3 celebrating its anniversary with statistics about all the companions that people have smooched over...

Stars Reach’s Raph Koster on MMO trust, fear, and freedom: ‘We understand how nervous players are about griefing’

Regular MOP readers know that our commenters have already spilled a lot of ink about Raph Koster's in-development MMORPG Stars Reach - and he's...

Raph Koster on designing and defining Stars Reach: ‘The Tragedy of the Commons is a lie’

Playable Worlds' Raph Koster is back with a new dev blog on Stars Reach, and it's not about game design pillars this time; it's...

Stars Reach’s Raph Koster: ‘We’re going into space, and it’s going to be awesome’

Playable Worlds' Raph Koster is back with yet another batch of Stars Reach game pillars, the driving concepts behind the MMORPG sandbox's design. We've...

Stars Reach’s Raph Koster argues that a persistent virtual world is ‘too powerful an idea’ to dismiss

Those watching the online gaming genre with a growing sense of dismay at everything drifting away from large, persistent MMO worlds may find solace...
So what now?

Raph Koster’s Stars Reach will offer shorter play sessions specifically to boost stickiness

Playable Worlds' lengthy blog post on Stars Reach's middle quad of pillars earlier this week wasn't long enough, or so Raph Koster suggests, as...
It's a thing.

Massively Overthinking: When I’m president of video games…

This week's Massively Overthinking is inspired directly by a positively delightful tweet that could totally happen. "When I'm President Of Video Games, all games will...

Raph Koster aims to make Stars Reach complex but not overcomplicated – and focused on retention

You didn't think Playable Worlds' Raph Koster was going to stop at just two pillars of design for his new sandbox MMORPG Stars Reach,...

Raph Koster lays out the (first) four pillars of design for his sandbox MMORPG Stars Reach

I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that Raph Koster's Stars Reach is probably a good long while away...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 475: The Legend of Ralph Lobster

Justin and Bree discuss Raph Koster's Stars Reach, Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail, Daybreak's purchase of Singularity 6 and Palia, Nexon's The First Descendant, and Guild Wars 2's housing, with a mailbag topic on the legend of Ralph Lobster.
in awe of the size of this lad

Vague Patch Notes: The stuff that has me excited about Stars Reach

Raph Koster is a smart guy. Not just an experienced one (he's that, too), but a smart one. The man knows his stuff front...

Here’s how the ‘cellular automata simulation’ in Raph Koster’s new sandbox MMORPG Stars Reach works

In the wake of the announcement of Stars Reach, Playable Worlds' Raph Koster has been making the rounds of Reddit and the gaming blogosphere...