raph koster

IGDA calls for transparent guidelines on game studio social media and harassment following Guild Wars 2 dust-up

Regardless of who you believe had the right and wrong of the ArenaNet Twitter fiasco last week, game developers have expressed concern over the...

The Game Archaeologist: Raph Koster on MUDs and Privateer Online

The release of Raph Koster's monster book of game essays, Postmortems, was of high interest to Bree and me for different reasons. For her,...
cars go vroom vroom

The Daily Grind: Do you prefer ‘work’ simulation MMOs to more fantastic game worlds?

In the comments of my piece on Raph Koster's book last week, a commenter brought up the idea that mimicking the real world in...

The Daily Grind: Does teaching toxic MMO gamers what they did wrong actually help?

As RPS reported this week, Valve has taken the relatively unusual step of making your Dota 2 and CSGO report cards semi-public - that is,...

‘Magic through serendipity’: Raph Koster on the glorious mess that was Ultima Online

I was a wide-eyed, naive kid when I first stepped into Ultima Online in 1997, and as it turns out, the developers were too. That's...
Answer a question, Todd.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 174: Fallout vs. Elder Scrolls

Justin and Bree discuss E3, Elder Scrolls VI and Online, Fallout 76, Anthem, FFXIV, Black Desert, Bless, LOTRO, and STO, with mailbag questions on Daybreak and the problem with MMO forums.

Star Wars Galaxies creator Raph Koster to release postmortem book on MMORPGs

Raph Koster is certainly a well-known name in the MMORPG industry who has spent his career working on titles such as Ultima Online, Star...

How the best devs are ‘fleeing in droves’ to escape the abusive games industry

My only nephew is something of a math prodigy, and the fact that he wants to be a game designer when he grows up...

Solo has a couple blink-and-you’ll-miss-it references to Star Wars Galaxies

One of the best aspects of all of the new Disney Star Wars films is their references to places, events, and characters outside of...

The MOP Up: Battlerite royale (May 6, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Soapbox: Three augmented reality game problems (most) MMOs don’t have – and one thing they do so much better

I'd like to think that I'm kind of a healthy gamer. While MMOs take a lot of time, the nice thing is that their...

GDC 2018: Ultima Online post-mortem with Richard Garriott, Starr Long, Raph Koster, and Rich Vogel

Plenty of panels at GDC are recorded and uploaded to the internet weeks after the event, including this one. It's not quite the same...
Yes, yes it is.

The gaming community rallies around EverQuest Next AI developer Dave Mark

A renowned game AI designer who worked on EverQuest Next and John Smedley's Hero's Song is the focal point of concern following an accident...

MMO designer Raph Koster reveals ‘Trust Spectrum’ research for online games

If you'll be at GDC this week (we will!), you're in for a treat, as research from MMORPG designer Raph Koster will be on...

Raph Koster on the ESA’s DMCA battle: ‘Preservation matters’

Remember last week when we covered how the Entertainment Software Association is fighting a proposal to amend the DMCA that would help preserve online...

Raph Koster calls potential manipulative MMO microtransaction AI ‘horrendous’

Here is some nightmare fuel for gamers imagining the future of the industry. How about an artificial intelligence that deliberately manipulates and messes with...

VR Chat players aid seizure victim, shame trolls

Last year, we wrote about the extreme potential for griefing in virtual reality spaces as it's one of MMORPG developer Raph Koster's favorite talking...

Crowfall’s Raph Koster goes into insane depth on the cost of creating video games

If you have an exceptional memory, you might recall that a couple of months ago, Crowfall and Star Wars Galaxies designer Raph Koster wrote...

Raph Koster on MMO ecosystems, the balance of power, and tennis

Most MMORPGs have the core sandbox problem: Whoever gets there first, controls all the toys and has the power to drive everyone else away....
Damn you!

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2017

Think of all the wacky things devs have said in public in front of gamers and journalists this year. Now imagine what gets said behind...