roleplaying event

Hyperspace Beacon: Making roleplay events deeper in SWTOR (or any other MMORPG)

From time to time, I like to break from talking about the latest news from Star Wars: The Old Republic to talk about what...
It's the final showdown.

World of Warcraft hosts a massive roleplaying event to celebrate the defeat of the Legion

If you think about World of Warcraft's Moon Guard server, you probably make some jokes about ERP in Goldshire and move on with your...

Elite Dangerous’ novel-concluding Salomé event was wrecked by long-con griefers

Last week, we reported on an impending roleplaying event in Elite Dangerous that was set to influence the outcome of Premonition, a game-based novel...

This in-game Elite Dangerous event will affect the game’s novelization

Cancel your plans for Saturday, folks: You're gonna want to be in Elite Dangerous. That's because Frontier has a big event planned that day...