

Betawatch: Star Citizen chatters about the still-absent 3.0 (August 25, 2017)

The team behind Star Citizen is on the floor at Gamescom talking about 3.0, which would be pretty awkward if that update wasn't already...

Global Chat: World of Warcraft’s wild frontier

How is World of Warcraft like the wild west of American history and legend? Something about Barrens chat might come to mind, but blog...

The MOP Up: Black Desert shows pet love (August 20, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
More soon.

Betawatch: Camelot Unchained is rapidly approaching beta (August 18, 2017)

The wait for the Camelot Unchained beta has been long and arduous in the way that only "just sit around and wait" can possibly...

Global Chat: The MMO blogosphere’s reaction to Guild Wars 2’s Path of Fire

It seems like the entire MMO blogosphere wanted to chip in thoughts on the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire announcement, whether or not...

Guild Wars 2 deep-dives Path of Fire’s elite specs for every class

ArenaNet has a new dev vlog out today focusing on the development of Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire elite specs. Some of the...

The MOP Up: Portal Knights splits up the party (August 13, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Das Test.

Betawatch: The Exiled limits lives in hopes of extending its life (August 11, 2017)

If you've been following The Exiled for a bit, you know the game has been struggling to reach a large enough audience to sustain...

Global Chat: What Asian MMOs can learn from the west

Usually when it comes to discussing world hemispheres of MMO game design, comments and observations are made about what western studios can learn from their...

LawBreakers officially launches today; here’s the new ‘Skilled AF’ trailer

The Nexon-backed, Cliff Bleszinski-led online shooter LawBreakers is finally live today on both PC (Steam) and PlayStation 4. The game is just shy of...

The MOP Up: SMITE’s bad news bears (August 6, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Chronicle of a Death Foretold.

But seriously, how is stream honking actually a thing

So here's a term Eliot couldn't possibly have dreamed up for our terminology columns: stream honking. So imagine you're MJ playing a gankbox on a...
It's the gift that keeps on taking.

Betawatch: Delays always win (August 4, 2017)

We realize that some of our readers are a bit younger, so we'd like to introduce you to a universal truism of life: Delays...
Star Citizen

Video games on Kickstarter continue to struggle thanks to fading consumer confidence

Earlier this week, we got SuperData's mid-year report on the booming video game industry, the enormous multinational congloms rolling around in piles of cash-shop...

Mobile MMOs: Pokemon Go’s curfew, Logres’ launch, and spinoffs for Aion and TERA

By chance, we had a bunch of easily combinable mobile MMO news stories waiting to be written this morning, so let's get to them...

Global Chat: Dipping into Albion Online

Now that Albion Online has officially launched, what's the verdict? It's a little hard to get a feel for that, since I haven't seen...

ARK: Survival Evolved’s launch has been delayed another three weeks

If you thought ARK: Survival Evolved's launch this summer couldn't get any more contentious, go get another box of popcorn as penance. In the...

The MOP Up: Skyforge investigates the Cradle of the World (July 30, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Camelot Unchained’s big bot battle boasts benefits for beta-beseeching backers

What does a battle between hundreds and hundreds of bots have to do with fans eager to access Camelot Unchained's long-awaited beta? Plenty, it...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO chat channel offers the best advice?

Here's an odd confession: I like to have global chat (or the equivalent thereof) running in my MMORPGs most days. Most days. While it...