
these docks be FULL yo

Storyboard: Yes, there really is actual roleplaying happening in MMORPGs

It started with my character saying one word. "No." Both men on the bridge were surprised to hear it, least of all from someone who...

Storyboard: Understanding character goals in MMO roleplaying

Not everyone who enjoys tabletop roleplaying enjoys roleplaying in MMOs. This is fine because they are different things and you are under no obligation...

Storyboard: Who gets to be the hero of an MMORPG?

When Guild Wars 2 launched, there was a contingent of people who were very, very annoyed about Trahearne. There were a lot of players...
Yes, we're all very impressed.

Storyboard: Roleplaying in MMORPGs is much more common than you think

Back around the time when the game's first expansion was a going concern, there was a post on the World of Warcraft forums about...
my head hurts

Storyboard: The fine art of letting your character fail in MMORPG roleplaying

Do you know why tabletop roleplaying games use dice? Every game designer ever will lie about the reason. The reason cited is to create...

Some Assembly Required: Grand Theft Online roleplay is a tough nut to crack

A few months ago, I discovered the world of Red Dead Online roleplay. The possibility of interacting with other players and discovering mechanics in...
Yeah, we're getting into the stones here.

Storyboard: Managing the escalating stakes in MMO storytelling

Everyone who has at least passing familiarity with stories, whether they be in MMOs or elsewhere, roleplayed or canonical, realizes that stories need stakes....
Real enough.

Storyboard: When is an MMO story ‘real’?

So we've had some fun with talking about MMO stories that are player-driven and MMO stories that are pre-scripted. Both of them have advantages...

Storyboard: Pros and cons for scripted narrative stories in MMOs

Last week, we looked at the pros and cons for stories in MMOs that were purely player-driven, or at least using player actions and...
Zooming to the same dang nonsense.

Storyboard: Pros and cons for purely player-driven story experiences in MMOs

What is the right way to tell a story in an MMO? That is a silly question, like asking what the right way is...

Storyboard: The fatal flaw of overreaching villain plans in MMOs plotlines

So the other day, a friend and I were talking about villainous schemes in MMO storylines. Specifically, we were talking about why World of...
Should or shouldn't?

Storyboard: The back-and-forth of roleplaying

The other night (Tuesday), I had a pretty terrible roleplaying experience. I don't want to go into too much detail, only note that it...

GDC Summer 2020: Immersive multiplayer storytelling with Disney’s Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge

Prior to this whole virus thing, one thing that I was enjoying about MMOs was how they (along with ideas taken from social media)...

Storyboard: Making fights matter in MMOs (and in roleplay)

You know what's fascinating about the original Guild Wars release, later redubbed as Guild Wars: Prophecies? The Prince Rurik fight works. Yes, these are spoilers for a...

EverQuesting: Building a story brought me back to EverQuest II

Before we start: Yes, I know about the Daybreak news. And yes, I have some thoughts and questions about it. I considered tossing aside...
Plole ray.

Storyboard: The future of MMO roleplaying in the new decade

Here we are in a brand-new decade! (If you feel the urge to pedantically correct this, you are wrong, it's a new decade, hush...

‘Unique social roleplaying experience’ Book of Travels begins Kickstarter

If you've often promised that you would support online RPGs that broke from tropish traditions and took risks, well, it's time to put your...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMO roleplay servers

An MOP reader named Thierry recently pointed us to a brewing storm in the World of Warcraft Classic community: In a nutshell, the server...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

Global Chat: MMO roleplaying explained for the rest of us

Game designer Brian Green has been on a writing streak as of late with a whole series of blog posts about roleplaying in MMORPGs....
Level out.

Storyboard: Never forget that all MMO lore is made up

Let's take a trip back to the dewy slopes of June 2006, when Chris Metzen addressed the question of how the lore of the...