Official Site: Ryzom
Studio: Winch Gate/Nexrax
Launch Date: September 19, 2004
Genre: Sci-Fantasy Sandbox
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC (Open Source)
Massively Overthinking: Our five favorite MMORPGs of all time
Earlier this week, Redditor maxpower888 started an epic thread on the /r/mmorpg sub asking everyone to chime in and name his or her top five...
Massively Overthinking: The sandbox MMORPG disconnect
This week's Massively Overthinking was inspired by a reader who decided to go by Sandboxless in Seattle when he penned this note of frustration to us.
Ryzom finally lands on Steam this week
Ryzom is really truly on the way to Steam -- this week, in fact. May 6th is the big day.
The 2004 sci-fantasy sandbox MMORPG...
The Game Archaeologist: Saga of Ryzom
Every so often I get requests to cover such-and-such game in this column. These are often incredibly obscure titles, even to me, and when...
The Daily Grind: Does ambition make you skeptical of MMO development?
I freely admit that I am a bit leery of ambition in game design. Not because it's an inherently bad thing, mind you, but...
Perfect Ten: Ten really great races from MMOs
Here I go, here I go, here I go again. Girls, what's my weakness? Non-human races. But oh, so many MMOs let me down...
Perfect Ten: MMO terms that have overstayed their welcome
My original plan for this week - during the few moments that I was capable of coherent speech rather than just babbling about the...
Ryzom gets a greenlight on Steam
There's something to be said for having all your games snuggled together on one platform, and now Ryzom may be on its way to...