Previewing Rend: Frostkeep studio visit, early access, PvP, factions, and more
If something goes wrong with Frostkeep's early access launch of Rend, blame me. While I was at the office, I distracted Co-Founders Jeremy Wood and...
Tiptoeing through ArcheAge’s 2015
It has been quite a year for ArcheAge. As you look back over the past 12 months, you certainly can't say 2015 was uneventful;...
Trion shuffles community managers for ArcheAge and its secret project
There's a new name on the community team for ArcheAge this week. Evan "Scapes" Berman has posted his farewell letter on the game's official forums, announcing his...
ArcheAge’s ‘altogether different’ approach to server merges
Trion hasn't formally announced server merges for ArcheAge yet, but the publisher is at least thinking about it, judging by a forum post made by...
The Daily Grind: Do you use bugged items to your advantage?
Did you hear about the latest bit of ArcheAge tomfoolery? There's this mirage donkey mount available in the game's loyalty point store. It was...