st patrick’s day
St Paddy’s Day MMORPG deals and events roundup
Happy St Patrick's Day, everyone! This particular holiday isn't the best for sales, for dumb jokes, or for deep events, but the MMORPG genre...
Black Desert’s St Patrick’s Day patch brought its own beer
It is written in The MMORPG Code that MMOs, especially those of foreign pedigree, must indulge our most silly faux holidays. I'm sure that's...
DC Universe Online tests survival mode and St. Patty’s Day
Do you lack a Fortress of Solitude? Well, Superman does now too because Braniac has moved in and is causing no end of trouble.
Black Desert Online is hosting a Saint Patrick’s Day event
There aren't a large number of MMOs that celebrate Saint Patrick's Day, probably because it's easier to come up with vague lore-appropriate reasons to...
Get lucky loot with Marvel Heroes’ St. Patrick’s events
Every week is a new event in Marvel Heroes, and right now it's a week-long St. Patrick's Day party! Not only can players collect...