standing stone games

American studio known primarily for Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons and Dragons Online.

The Daily Grind: How do you feel when an MMO changes a well-known zone?

Buried in all of the news that LOTRO is changing its business model was the word that one of the game's most iconic locales...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 365: Free Middle-earth

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO's monetization shift, NCsoft's Throne and Liberty, Albion Online, New World, Elder Scrolls Online, Elyon, and ArcheAge, with adventures in LOTRO, DDO, WoW Classic, Guild Wars 2, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on SSG support and our favorite MMO zones.

The Daily Grind: Will LOTRO’s monetization changes pull you back in?

Last week, Standing Stone Games stunned Lord of the Rings Online players by announcing a sweeping monetization overhaul that we called a game-changer. In...

Battle Bards Episode 211: Shops and services

When the Battle Bards get loaded up with money and jewels in MMOs, they head back into town for a shopping spree! And if...

One Shots: Castle Redskull

As with all impossible architecture in MMOs, I pause at our first picture and imagine what feats of magical engineering it took to carve...

LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online takes much-needed steps forward

I don't know about you, Lord of the Rings Online fans, but I am really, really digging these quarterly producer's letters. It feels like...

LOTRO is making tons of expansion content permanently free, adding a new Hobbit zone

Hey, do you like free stuff? Lord of the Rings Online's March 2022 producer letter has arrived, and it's promising tons of free stuff...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best animal taming mechanics?

I saw a fun thread on Reddit a while back that made me all nostalgic for Ultima Online. The player was looking for MMOs...

The Stream Team: Spies and jumping puzzles in Dungeons & Dragons Online

The Blood Tide still ebbs! Just because Massively OP's MJ saved House Deneith's outpost in DDO, doesn't mean there's not more to that story...

Lord of the Rings Online studio says payments from Russia are blocked

Due to the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine and the sanctions levied at Russia, it's become difficult to make any purchases in Lord of...
Ah, no.

Lord of the Rings Online welcomes spring with its annual festival

With the weather around here vacillating between "balmy and welcoming" to "blizzard warning" on a daily basis, I know that spring is moving back...
Space boats.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you returned to more than any other?

I learned a while back that I really need to stop making bold proclamations that, "I'm leaving this game for good, and I mean...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 364: Turtle power!

Justin and Bree discuss Elite Dangerous console, EVE Online's P2W controversy, Guild Wars 2's turtles, and WoW's expansion reveal, with adventures in DDO, WoW Classic, SWG Legends, and GW2, plus mailbag topics on WoW free-to-play and New World's MMO pedigree.

One Shots: My best buddy and me

One of the best parts of MMORPGs is when you make good friends while online. Of course, those are supposed to be human friends...
Why don't you trust us?

Massively Overthinking: How do alts fit into MMORPGs in 2022?

Last weekend, my play group took a second batch of Guild Wars 2 alts to Cantha, and we found ourselves a bit grumbly about...

Perfect Ten: Favorite NPCs from my favorite MMOs

In a recent episode of the Massively OP Podcast, we had a terrific question winged our way asking about our personal favorite NPCs from...

LOTRO opens Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra T3 this week, plus check out this amazing player-made map

Lord of the Rings Online is unleashing its 32.0.3 patch today, and while that's perhaps not the most exciting name, there's still some good...

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO beginner zone?

When it comes to MMO nostalgia, is there anything greater than the places where you first stepped foot into the game? Beginner zones not...
Sad elk in snow.

LOTRO Legendarium: Why people bounce off Lord of the Rings Online

Any time that you are deeply invested in an MMORPG, it's perhaps one of the most disheartening and frustrating experiences to watch your friends...

One Shots: Murder palaces are always so inviting

The Secret World was always good at creating spaces that you take one look at and go, "Nope! Not going to walk in there!...