New Civilization Online vids show character customization and gameplay
A pair of Civilization Online videos were spotted in the wild this week, and by wild I mean on YouTube. Don't feel bad if you...
EVE Evolved: It’s never too late to start playing EVE
Any time an in-depth discussion pops up about EVE Online, it's never long before someone pipes up with the complaint that new players just...
Wisdom of Nym: The leveling dungeons of Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Final Fantasy XIV takes you on quite a ride on the way to level 60. There are indisputably fewer dungeons than there are from...
EVE Evolved: Is EVE’s fleet warp nerf a good idea?
In the latest episode of EVE Online's livestreamed o7 Show, game designers CCP Fozzie and CCP Larrikin revealed some controversial changes that are on...
Empyrean Rule combines RTS gameplay with a persistent world
You can't accuse the makers of Empyrean Rule of thinking small. Instead of trying to just create a persistent fantasy sandbox for $40,000, the...
Fantasy city-builder Elvenar launches
Sometimes you reach a moment in your life where you have to take a side. With the launch of the fantasy city-builder Elvenar today,...
Heroes & Generals update adds Soviet faction
Reto-Moto has added a third faction to World War II strategic shooter Heroes & Generals. The game's "largest ever" update includes the Soviet Red...
Starriser takes a stab at space empire strategy
Have you ever had a whim of dropping your normal, ordinary life and taking to the stars, not to peacefully explore them, but to...