
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 69: WildSteam

Justin and Bree discuss ESO, WoW, WildStar, Nostalrius, TSW, Star Citizen, Landmark, and FFXIV, with a mailbag question on MMO dungeons.

The Stream Team: It’s a cake-apalooza in Marvel Heroes’ Industry City

After all this Civil War stuff split the forces in Marvel Heroes apart, what could possible bring them back together? Cake! Cakes makes everyone...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with distinct visual styles

Given the choice, I am always going to pick a game with stylized graphics over realistic ones. This is for many reasons; it's partly...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 68: Dark and light

Justin and Bree discuss Darkfall, Landmark, Marvel Heroes, ArcheAge, Neverwinter, and ESO, with mailbag questions on community negativity, streaming, and commenters.

The Stream Team: Party on as Marvel Heroes marks three years

What craziness is this? MassivelyOP's MJ is playing Marvel Heroes and it isn't Monday?! Yes, yes she is! That's because today the game celebrates...

Marvel Heroes’ third anniversary offers free heroes, team-ups, and more

By the hammer of Thor, it's Marvel Heroes' anniversary once again! Best time of the year, it is. While some MMOs mark their birthdays with...

Massively Overthinking: Solving the MMORPG grouping problem

Massively OP Patron Roger has another great question for the crew this week. "I have the hardest time pushing myself to join a group, but...
Boys and girls in cars, dogs and cats on lawns - from up here I can see them all.

Valiance Online preps for alpha patch, Steam move

Valiance Online is packing up and prepping for a move... to Steam. The City of Heroes-inspired indie superhero MMORPG was Greenlit on the platform back...

The Daily Grind: Are you MMOing on Memorial Day?

It's Memorial Day here in the States, which means it's the first of three holidays this summer we'll spend with cookouts and patriotic parades and family...

One Shots: Bride of the comments section!

While I love any of you forever if you email in One Shots submissions, I think it's time once again to delve fully into...

Massively Overthinking: The stories inside MMORPGs

This week's topic comes to us from one of our dear Patrons, Roger. "I love stories, and some games tell great stories. MMOs have trouble...

Exclusive: Marvel Heroes releases Iron Man highlight trailer

Iron Man may not be a new character to Marvel Heroes, but he's easily one of the best, and if you don't agree, humor me...

Tamriel Infinium vs. Hyperspace Beacon: Elder Scrolls Online and SWTOR as storytelling giants

I think it’s all but obvious that Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic are enriched with lore. The Star Wars universe,...

Champions Online begins Nightmare Invasion event

Champions Online has just kicked off a new Nightmare Invasion event for teams of 3 to 5 superheroes over level 10. "Strange otherworldly creatures have...

DC Universe Online’s GU60 launches today with new raid and duo

DC Universe Online officially launches GU60 today along with its 24th episode. In addition to bug fixes and tweaks for the Celestial powerset and the...

Perfect Ten: My highlights from pre-launch MMO hype

Maybe the hype and anticipation of an upcoming MMORPG leaves you feeling burned out and turned off these days. Considering that some titles can...

Marvel Heroes offers instant streaming service

While it doesn't take super-long to log into Marvel Heroes, the thought of being able to click and play near-instantaneously is an attractive thought,...

The Stream Team: Captain America FTW in Marvel Heroes’ Civil War

In Marvel Heroes' latest event, players choose sides in the Civil War. MassivelyOP's MJ went #TEAMCAP, and in honor of that is going to...

One Shots: You put a spell on me

One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...

New Marvel Heroes video features Captain America

It's too late to grab a free Captain America from Marvel Heroes' Civil War promo, but if you got him -- or decide to buy...