
See: The Daily Grind

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The Daily Grind: Which MMO handles PvE – not just PvM – the very best?

There's a thing we do a lot when we're talking about MMOs: We elide PvM and PvE. I suppose we do it with different...
It's fine, everything is fine, this is fine.

The Daily Grind: What gives you cause to forgive MMO studios or publishers?

There are a lot of reasons people have to dislike NCsoft as a publisher. But oddly enough, if you're a fan of WildStar who has sworn...

The Daily Grind: Which underrated MMO would you recommend to friends?

So c'mon, we all know what the big MMOs are right now, the ones that always come up in conversation. You know, the ones...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on difficulty modes in MMOs?

There's a meta discussion happening across games Twitter and elsewhere over the last week or so thanks to Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. In a...
Looks like home.

The Daily Grind: Are there any zones in MMOs you’d like to call home?

My wife has long had an affection for Nagrand in World of Warcraft, and that makes sense to me. The gentle rolling terrain looks like...
Well... cool.

The Daily Grind: What does an MMO need to do right at the start to keep you playing?

I don't think it can be overstated enough that the introductory experience of an MMO is absolutely crucial to pulling in and retaining a...

The Daily Grind: Do you still get excited about upcoming MMORPGs?

It was the late aughts. My husband and I had scraped together money to fly to London for a meet-up with our Europe-based guildies....

The Daily Grind: Should AAA companies expect gamers to fund esports prize pools?

The esports industry is absolutely no stranger to watcher-funded prize pools. I know this. We've watched as companies like Riot Games and Hi-Rez have...
Fun is sometimes relative.

The Daily Grind: When did you start playing MMOs?

This is a fun and simple question that is also remarkably complex to answer, because there are so many different ways to answer it....

The Daily Grind: Which MMO’s lore confuses the heck out of you?

Fantasy authors (aspiring and published) are renowned for their tendency to create elaborate and often labyrinthian backstories and world histories. And while this lore...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about ideas like the cottage rule and class fantasy in MMO design?

Who among our readers played City of Heroes and remembers the cottage rule? The idea was that developers were reluctant to change the fundamentals...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

The Daily Grind: How long does it take you to acclimate to a new MMO control scheme?

On some level, every MMO is going to feel like it has the wrong controls to me. The reason for this is simple: My...

The Daily Grind: What visuals do you wish you could hide in MMOs?

Last week World of Warcraft made some aspiring nudists happy by announcing that it was going to let players hide pretty much every piece...

The Daily Grind: What are you looking forward to the most in WoW Classic?

After all the PR mishaps and layoffs Blizzard's had since last fall's BlizzCon, I wouldn't have been too surprised to see the company delay...
It was cute.

The Daily Grind: Is it possible for an MMO to make you feel like a kid again?

Last month on /r/mmorpg, there was a thread about finding MMOs that will make you feel like a kid again. You can probably guess...

The Daily Grind: When does an in-development MMO become real to you?

Call me a cranky old person if you wish, but a game goes from "nice idea and/or tech demo" to "actual MMO" when it's...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you wish you had come to years ago?

It is really one of the more bittersweet of emotions that a gamer can feel: coming late to the party on something fantastic. On...

The Daily Grind: Which ‘MMO-lite’ utilizes the best parts of the MMO genre?

One of the interesting twists and turns of the MMORPG market over the past decade is the rise of what we're starting to call...
why would you do that

The Daily Grind: What’s the most jaw-droppingly absurd behavior you’ve seen in MMO group content?

Sometimes people do things that are dumb in MMOs. We know and accept this. Sometimes people think that dancing on a mailbox in World of...

The Daily Grind: So, do you think Google’s Stadia will revolutionize gaming?

Yesterday's Google presentation and announcement of Stadia - and all its attendant accoutrements - set the internet as well as our staff chattering about...