The Daily Grind: What are the worst ‘noob traps’ in MMOs?
A while back, when discussing Classic Guild Wars with MOP's Chris, who was playing it for Choose My Adventure, I found myself explaining that...
Vague Patch Notes: Floaty, samey, and janky – a treasury of MMO terms for bad combat
Any time you bring up The Secret World or Secret World Legends's bland, floaty combat, at least one person is going to chime in...
Vague Patch Notes: The many flavors of ‘boosting’ in the MMO genre
The other day MOP's Bree and I were having a discussion about boosting. This is not entirely unusual, but it was unusual insofar as...
The Daily Grind: What once-popular MMORPG terminology has fallen out of use?
Let's play with words. A while back I saw someone describing the act of MMO banksitting on Twitter without actually using the term. It's one...
The Daily Grind: What do you think about ‘gear peacocks’ in MMOs?
Every so often, usually when it comes to World of Warcraft, I hear what I've always thought of as the Peacock Defense for making raid...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO subgenres need better names?
There are an awful lot of games falling under the broad header of "not quite an MMORPG but still multiplayer shooter with strong influences...
But seriously, how is stream honking actually a thing
So here's a term Eliot couldn't possibly have dreamed up for our terminology columns: stream honking.
So imagine you're MJ playing a gankbox on a...
Perfect Ten: More terminology the MMORPG genre needs
Many moons ago (so, a few months), I wrote a column about terminology that we need for the MMO genre. This made our Editor-in-Chief...
The Daily Grind: Is there any MMORPG slang that you just do not get?
A funny thread on the MMORPG subreddit last week reminded me that gaming slang is anything but obvious.
"I just now realized that OOM means...
Massive Landmark patch revamps terminology, harvesting, and gear
A major patch has landed in Landmark in preparation for the title's full launch later in the spring. It's not a patch aimed just at veterans...
Perfect Ten: MMO terms that have overstayed their welcome
My original plan for this week - during the few moments that I was capable of coherent speech rather than just babbling about the...