
AdventureQuest 3D gives a spooky tour of its Halloween dungeon

According to major retail stores, we're already in the Halloween-slash-Thanksgiving-slash-Christmas shopping season, so don't be too scandalized when you hear that AdventureQuest 3D is...

Ultima Online’s latest patch heralds Eodon event, 19th birthday gifts

"Publish 94 is out the door," wrote Ultima Online Producer Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong in a newsletter earlier this week. Broadsword has added fresh anniversary...

Ultima Online tests invasion quest, teases future content

It's May, so that means it's time to start planning for Halloween, right? Well, maybe if you're Ultima Online. In the game's latest newsletter,...

One Shots: Jedi to the max

Are you all the Jedi you could possibly be? If not, then subscribe to our exclusive six-week course, where we'll teach you such advanced...

Global Chat: Being thankful in MMOs

Last month's Thanksgiving holiday in the US prompted several MMO bloggers to share their thanks for gaming and other geeky goodness. Stars of the...

The Stream Team: Taking on turkeys in MOP’s new ARK arena

Would you have eaten turkey this Thanksgiving if you'd had to catch it yourself? Not likely if those birds are like the ones in...

The Stream Team: Spending Thanksgiving as a Hobbit in LOTRO

What's more appropriate on Thanksgiving than being a Hobbit? Nothing! Food and our furry-footed friends go together like cheese and crackers, like peanut butter...

Chaos Theory: Seven reasons I am thankful for The Secret World

It is definitely no secret that I like The Secret  World. I mean, I really like it. OK, so I adore it in a...

The Stream Team: Adventures in Aion’s new Abyss

MassivelyOP's MJ can't let Thanksgiving go by without checking in on her favorite flying game. After all, Aion is responsible for her tenure with...

The best MMO deals of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

You could give thanks on Thanksgiving, or gorge yourself on festive food alongside your bickering family members, but we say there's nothing like shopping from the comfort...

GTA Online offers double rewards, discounts for Thanksgiving

Want to spend part of your Thanksgiving weekend in Los Santos? Rockstar is making it worth your while by offering double monetary and RP...

Trove invaded by bloodthirsty turkeys

Normally, Thanksgiving is a time to both count one's blessings and gorge on high-calorie foods. In Trove, however, it's a time to run for...