the daily grind

No, it’s not a slow news day; it’s just The Daily Grind, a long-running morning feature in which the Massively Overpowered writers pose gaming-related questions to the MMORPG community. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: Is Shroud of the Avatar destined to be an underrated MMO?

One conversation that I've seen echoed a few times is how strange it is that Shroud of the Avatar has been running such a...

The Daily Grind: If your MMO were a movie, who would play your main character?

Massively Overpowered community, today I present you with the best road trip game ever: the who-should-play-what-character-from-a-beloved-book game. Only I'm not asking about a book;...

The Daily Grind: Do you use bugged items to your advantage?

Did you hear about the latest bit of ArcheAge tomfoolery? There's this mirage donkey mount available in the game's loyalty point store. It was...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever rage-deleted an MMO character?

During our insane streamathon on Friday, Massively OP's Jef confided in us that he ragequit Star Wars Galaxies after the NGE hit -- and worse, he deleted...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO customer service repair player mistakes?

In the comments of our article discussing Daybreak's move to reduce gamemaster support for player "gameplay errors," I was surprised to see a few of...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO for actual roleplaying?

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was a cantina rat. I would spend the first part of my daily gametime...

The Daily Grind: Should all MMOs come with player music systems?

While developing player music systems might seem like a superfluous effort, in my opinion it is a feature that should come standard in most...
Big space roundy bit.

The Daily Grind: Are you prompt about unsubscribing from MMOs?

I am going to make a confession: I am terrible about remembering to unsubscribe from games I am no longer playing. Guild Wars 2...
We deserve this.

The Daily Grind: What are the minimum criteria for an online game?

It's pretty definite that Second Life is not a game in the strictest sense of the word, and by "the strictest" I of course...

The Daily Grind: What’s one MMO wish you deeply regret?

It's jumping. Guild Wars players whined and moaned about not being able to jump in the classic game ad nauseam. Jumping increases our immersions and...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a good grasp of your MMO’s history?

As someone who's played his fair share of both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 over the years, I have to confess that I've...

The Daily Grind: Do you get MMO event fatigue?

Based on how many awards it won last year and how many Massively OP writers and guildies have been sucked into it, I know...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most successful MMO do-over?

Yesterday's revelation that Final Fantasy XIV is up to four million registered accounts globally (not counting trials, Square insists!) is impressive to me not...

The Daily Grind: What canceled MMO do you wish had been made?

MMO players are forever bemoaning the overabundance of fantasy titles in our genre. But truthfully, we have lots of sci-fi and zombies games nowadays too....

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best sound design?

We pay a lot of attention to what we're seeing in MMOs, but have you ever stopped to really process what you're hearing? Sound...

The Daily Grind: Are you still on board with EverQuest Next?

The Daybreak buy-out. Mass layoffs. No more Storybricks. And it might not even be free-to-play! There are plenty of reasons to go all Chicken Little...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best game-within-a-game in the MMO space?

Jef and I were talking this past weekend about something Star Wars Galaxies got really, really right: the Jump to Lightspeed expansion, which brought...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best bard?

A player on Reddit recently asked one of the most pressing questions in the MMO genre today: "Where can I find a fun Bard-like...

The Daily Grind: Are you with or behind the player curve?

There's one unfortunate fallout to taking an extended leave from an MMO: You quickly fall behind the curve. As patches and expansions and changes...
Any Kill Bill references you want to make here may or may not be apropos. It's a fine line.

The Daily Grind: Are you optimistic about WildStar’s future?

I'm sure this won't serve as a grand surprise to anyone reading this, but I've been thinking a lot about the future of WildStar...