the daily grind

No, it’s not a slow news day; it’s just The Daily Grind, a long-running morning feature in which the Massively Overpowered writers pose gaming-related questions to the MMORPG community. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]


The Daily Grind: Do you expect any (other) MMOs to be delayed over the pandemic?

With so many MMO studios working-from-home, it seems delays might be inevitable. In fact, we've already seen a few; Blue Protocol, for example, delayed...
No custom.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most coveted MMO alpha or beta you’ve ever gotten into?

At the time I write this, we do not yet know who will get into the first test phase for World of Warcraft's upcoming...

The Daily Grind: Where do you want to explore in your MMO but can’t?

Every time I'm in an MMORPG, my eyes are always looking to the horizon. What's out there, over that next mountain range, across that...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the messiest combat?

I don't like messes. They freak me out. The chaos, the uncertainty, it gets to me. And it's as true in real life as...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best character hair in the genre?

This might sound silly but I care a lot more about any given MMO character's hair than face. Realistically, I'm never gonna see the...
Weird dog.

The Daily Grind: Are you re-exploring old MMO content during isolation?

These days, a lot of people are sitting at home without necessarily much to do. We are many of us content locusts now, swarming...
Jazzy handy

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite memory from a shuttered MMORPG?

Free Realms. Warhammer Online. WildStar. Asheron's Call. We've lived through so these and so many other MMO shutdowns over the years, leaving behind screenshots,...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with jealousy and FOMO in your MMORPGs?

Earlier this week, Polygon ran a piece on Animal Crossing: New Horizons players who were not happy. It's not because of the game, or...
This. Is. Exhausting.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite place to just hang out in an MMO?

Either we all wind up with time spent in MMOs wherein you're just hanging out or I am singularly bad at managing my time,...

The Daily Grind: Are you on board for Burning Crusade Classic?

It seems all but one official announcement short of certainty that Blizzard is going to be rolling out a Burning Crusade Classic server for...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs that don’t deserve second chances?

MOP reader Steve recently posed us an interesting question: Is it time for gamers to stop giving second chances to bungled MMOs and live...

The Daily Grind: Are you angry about the collapse of Chronicles of Elyria?

Last week, Soulbound Studios announced that in spite of just reaching a semblance of pre-alpha for Chronicles of Elyria, it was out of money...
Good car, bad game.

The Daily Grind: What old inventory items in MMOs do you keep around even though they’re dead weight?

I should really get rid of my beast tribe currency from Final Fantasy XIV version 1.0, but part of me still holds on to...
Notably after!

The Daily Grind: When you return to an MMO, do you start over or continue?

Recently I loaded back up Guild Wars 2 after a multi-year absence. While I still have a strong roster of decked-out level 80 characters...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever paid for MMO-related services like coaching?

A few weeks back, MMO veteran dev John Smedley posted a tweet about paying for, of all things, coaching in a video game, and...
Boldly gone.

The Daily Grind: What made you drop a daily routine in an MMO?

I like Star Trek Online. I really do. I like the whole meta-event stretching through its event that lets you pick up a free...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO rogue server do you recommend trying?

It is truly heartening to see so many sunsetted MMORPGs being revived thanks to the tireless efforts of rogue server operators. Preservation of these...

The Daily Grind: What once-popular MMORPG terminology has fallen out of use?

Let's play with words. A while back I saw someone describing the act of MMO banksitting on Twitter without actually using the term. It's one...
The vista

The Daily Grind: What’s the perfect size for an MMO battleground?

I've made no secret of the fact that I like big battle MMO PvP. I want it to feel huge. I want there to...
Pet action.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever changed your mind on an MMO expansion over time?

At the time Final Fantasy XI launched its second expansion, I loathed it. Not only did it offer no new jobs or the like, but it...