
Albion Online kicks off Masters Tournament, sweetens recruit-a-friend program, and promises performance improvements

With such a heavy PvP focus, Albion Online was a natural fit for tournaments. And so the Arena Masters Tournament is upon us, a...

The Stream Team: Slipping into Secret World Legends’ Scorched Desert

Bye-bye Blue Mountain, hello Scorched Desert! Massively OP's MJ is finally leaving the (awesome) gloom of Secret World Legends' Solomon Island behind and moving...

EverQuesting: Reflecting on EverQuest II’s 13th year

I am particularly fond of the number 13. And I am particularly fond of EverQuest II. So it is a happy convergence of favorites...

The Stream Team: Happy 13th birthday EverQuest II!

Massively OP's MJ is ready to celebrate: One of her favorite games turns 13 years old today. EverQuest II is a teenager! The Heroes...

The Stream Team: Onward into MU Legend’s open beta

MU Legend opens its beta doors today, and ends its Halloween event. Did Massively OP's MJ miss a Halloween celebration? The horror! She's racing...

The Stream Team: Slaying SMITE’s new Shadows Over Hercopolis adventure

Massively OP's MJ got to test out SMITE's new Shadows Over Hercopolis adventure over the weekend, and she can't wait to get back in!...

The Stream Team: A first look at survival in SOS (plus giveaway!)

A survival game with a twist? Color Massively OP's MJ intrigued! As long as that isn't pink, that is. SOS is a new multiplayer...

The Stream Team: Halloween on the streets of GTA Online’s Los Santos

Do you know where Massively OP's MJ hasn't been in over a year? Los Santos, that's where! And she's dying to see the Halloween...

Grab a key for SOS’s weekend alpha test from Outpost and MOP!

Here's a newish game to our pages: SOS, a multiplayer survival PC game "where 16 contestants face off in a 30-minute challenge to escape."...

The Stream Team: A final foray into Fortnite’s Fortnitemares

Last time, Massively OP's MJ was only able to check out a couple of the Halloween quests in Fortnite's Hexsylvania. Now, she's diving back...

Fortnite’s patch today adds mute to voice chat and boosts quest item drop frequency

Fortnite's smallish 1.8.1 update is live today, and probably the most important addition is actually something that helps you delete things from the game:...

The Stream Team: Doing Dauntless’ Dark Harvest

Just because it is All Saints' Day doesn't mean that that Halloween reveling is over! No, Massively OP's MJ will continue celebrating the season...

The Stream Team: Blowing up that blasted SWTOR Star Fortress

Just as the Star Wars movies come in threes, Massively OP's Larry and MJ's Star Fortress adventures come in threes. Today will be the...

The Scream Team: Challenge MOP to a Halloween Hide and Shriek duel

It's All Hallows' Eve: A time to spook and scare folks (and probably gorge on candy!). And Massively OP's MJ challenges you to a...

The Stream Team: Gouging the giant gourd in AdventureQuest 3D’s Mogloween

The conclusion of AQ3D's Camp Gonnagetcha meant the beginning of Mogloween, and that means Massively OP's MJ gets to dive back in and shove...

The Stream Team: Halloween houses in Elder Scrolls Online

This year's Witches Festival in Elder Scroll Online includes an achievement that grants a new house. Housing and Halloween: Could anything be more perfect...

The Stream Team: Delving into Fortnite’s fortnitemares

Zombies are particularly perfect this time of year, but Fortnite ups its Halloween game with a whole new zone, Hexsylvania. Massively OP's MJ is...

The Stream Team: Villagers & Heroes takes you to Spooky Town

Do you want to be taken to Spooky Town? Massively OP's MJ sure does! Villagers & Heroes introduced a new zone for the holiday,...

The Stream Team: An aerial tour of scary things in ARK’s Ragnarok

Depressingly, it appears that Studio WildCard isn't bothering to turn the Halloween event on at all this year. At least Massively OP's MJ has...

The Stream Team: A night of Halloween reveling in Dungeons and Dragons Online

It's time again for The Night Revels event. Massively OP's MJ loves this time of year most of all in DDO's. The graveyards are...