
EverQuest’s new progression server comes online (again)

After a disasterous initial outing and subsequent wipe, EverQuest's Ragefire server came back online last night to welcome players back to the classic era...

Win a Moonrise stress test key from Massively OP [All gone now!]

Undead Labs' OARPGTCG -- I'm totally coining that -- Moonrise is due to hit Steam early access next week on May 27th. It's launching...
Rank 17! I am SO important to the world!

Check out Overwatch’s Hanzo and McCree in action

Are you the guy who looked at Overwatch's character lineup and said, "Nah, get rid of that robot with twin chainguns; I want to...

Massively Overthinking: Nasty labels for players in MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor, who wanted to talk about excessive namecalling jargon as it pertains to groups...

Uematsu’s Dragonsong is the theme for FFXIV’s Heavensward expansion

Did you catch that new Final Fantasy XIV trailer that Square Enix released today? It's called Dragonsong and it's the main theme song from...

Neverwinter’s Strongholds expansion is coming this summer

Neverwinter's next expansion is called Strongholds, and it's coming to a PC near you this summer. Players will work together with their guild mates...

Guild Wars 2 denies expansion date rumors, addresses ‘peaceful’ WvW bug

Don't believe everything you read from online retailers. This is the lesson that we must learn again as a supposed summer release date for...

Eternal Crusade lays out its plan for open world conflict

Just because Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade will be primarily a PvP title doesn't mean that it's going to section itself off in tiny little...
Call the WAAAAAMbulance.

John Smedley talks smack to nearly 25,000 banned H1Z1 players

Do you like people who cheat in online games? Daybreak president John Smedley does not. After 24,837 H1Z1 accounts were banned for cheating (7,000...
Much like TERA, having a discussion about this game's attitude towards women is mostly a matter of shaking your head in exasperation.

Blade & Soul hits western shores this winter

Remember when comic books had little call-outs on the front cover proudly proclaiming that something happened because the readers requested it? I always thought...

Heroes of the Storm goes into open beta, prepares for launch

With two weeks left until the launch of Heroes of the Storm, anticipation is growing over Blizzard's entry into the MOBA field. Well, now...

DCUO’s Halls of Power, Part II releases today

Did you miss our interview with DC Universe Online head honcho Jens Andersen? Well, go read it and then come back! Now that you're back,...

Das Tal devs talk about inspiration, weapons, armor, and meaningful conflict

Das Tal is forging ahead with its Kickstarter campaign, netting over $19,000 out of its $55,794 goal with 21 days left. The team is...

Tamriel Infinium: What we know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City

Even before the PC launch of the Elder Scrolls Online last year, there was something the community pined for: the Imperial City. In my first trip...

The World of Warcraft selfie scavenger hunt is on

You laughed when they brought the selfie camera to World of Warcraft. You rolled your eyes at friends who spammed your Twitter feed with...

Not So Massively: Blizzard’s $1.2 million tourney; X-Wing successor hits Kickstarter

In a bizarre coincidence, four separate MOBAs announced new champions this week. SMITE revealed an adorable Norse squirrel god named Ratatoskr and officially launched...

Master X Master Online is an NCsoft MOBA with a twist

Are you curious about NCsoft's Master X Master Online? Steparu's put the game through its paces and has nice things to say about it, concluding...

Mortal Online opens the doors to Sarducaa

If you are a Mortal Online player, you were probably in heaven this past weekend, as the game patched in a whole new continent...

Elder Scrolls Online’s new trailer spotlights multiplayer content

The Elder Scrolls Online is inching closer and closer to its console launch just three weeks from now, and that means... trailers! The last video...

Voxelnauts Kickstarter melds VR, voxels, and sandbox gameplay

What do you get when you stick a sandbox, voxels, and VR into a blender? You get Voxelnauts, a new voxelbox -- actually, they're calling...