
This moonland isle.

Wakfu launches its Island Moon update

Wakfu is flying players to the moon with its latest update. However, it's important to note that the patch is not lining up with...
Memes seem. gets Twitch integration, Overwatch gets some criminals

Do you want an easier way to stream Heroes of the Storm from the client? Possibly in anticipation of the new skins and...
Still unable to purchase a bra, though.

Blade & Soul shines a spotlight on the Blade Master

You would think that a class by the name of Blade Master would be really important in Blade & Soul. It's half of the...
Just looking good.

Crowfall answers community questions on development

A small number of players are getting their first taste of what Crowfall is going to be, and that's a good thing. The result...
On the other coast, even.

PAX Prime 2015: Sword Coast Legends unveils new trailer and screenshots

Even if you normally avoid the Wizards of the Coast booth at PAX Prime because you're not there for tabletop games, you'll want to...
Create and destroy alike!

PlanetSide 2 has potential patch features datamined

So what's going to be in the next major patch for PlanetSide 2? Are you going to wait for official patch notes like some...
First mention of Steppenwolf gets you kickbanned.

Gamescom 2015: The Crew offers up a Wild Run trailer

Are you extreme enough to take part in The Crew's next big expansion? Wild Run sends players to The Summit, where apparently extreme racing...
So, how about those balance issues?

Destiny shows off a new Taken King trailer, Bungie is hiring PC tester

10If you're still excited for Destiny's next expansion, The Taken King, you'll be happy to know that there is a new trailer available now....
Borderland, feel like I'm going to lose my mand

Borderlands Online preps for another closed beta test

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time for your daily installment of Things You're Never Going To Have! Probably not, anyway. Borderlands Online...
Definitely not winter here, buddy.

Neverwinter posts the official gameplay trailer for Strongholds

A guild's home is its castle in Neverwinter. Wait, scratch that - it's not its castle yet, but it will totally be its castle...

No Man’s Sky shows off an infinity of worlds

If you sit down and play No Man's Sky, you'll never see exactly what you see in this trailer. That's the big draw of...

Neverwinter: Strongholds will launch August 11th

For the past two months, Neverwinter has been all about the next major patch, which will give players the ability to band together, take...
Fight for control of meaningless space!

EVE Online details the ins and outs of Sovereignty

The big focus in EVE Online recently has been Sovereignty, the process of taking control of the valuable resources in nullsec space. But how...

World of Warcraft timewalks to the Halls of Lightning and reveals SDCC goodies

If nothing else, the timewalking dungeons in World of Warcraft have proven a great opportunity to look back at dungeons that you may have...
You made it sing, all right.

Paragon Chat sees 200 concurrent users at peak

Paragon Chat is not the City of Heroes revival that everyone wants, obviously, but it is a chance to walk around, chat, and enjoy...
this isn't sad at all alexa play dogsong

Overwatch unveils the mysterious Soldier: 76

The big lore dump for Overwatch yesterday did not come from nowhere. Hot on the heels of that article connecting the mysterious Soldier: 76 to the...
Screw you, trees.

MechWarrior Online talks map design and tree destruction in a new video

Trees are awful. They are the actual worst. MechWarrior Online lets you stomp around in a war machine, but for too long it has...
It's just heads all the way down.

Neverwinter’s Rise of Tiamat now available on Xbox One

The downside to playing Neverwinter on a console is that there's a bit of a lag time on all the various major updates to the...
Probably not this one, then.

E3 2015: See EVE: Valkyrie in action

It's hard to really get a sense of how EVE: Valkyrie will play if you're not actually wearing one of the two VR headsets...
Taken for tacos, maybe.

E3 2015: Destiny’s The Taken King arrives Sept. 15; here’s the trailer

So, hey, remember that rumor about Destiny launching The Taken King on September 15th of this year? There's a new trailer out from the...