
Because that laugh never got tiresome.

BlizzCon 2015: Heroes of the Storm gaining Arena mode, Towers of Doom, and a two-player hero

How would you like to team up with another player to play a hero in Heroes of the Storm? That's the central idea behind...
Taking care of business

Let the NPCs handle your busy work with Albion Online’s laborers

There are certain tedious tasks that are just better left up to automation sometimes. Sure, you need a steady flow of incoming wood and...

Asta kicks off its first beta test in the West

Will Asta be a success here after its poor fate in its native land? It's too early to say, but you can start making...
That's a nice throne. Mind if I war over it?

Crowfall takes on the fine degrees of separation between bow users

You are not your weapon in Crowfall. Just because two archetypes use a bow in the game doesn't mean that they play the same....
Brown town.

New video shows off how to get started in Das Tal

If you know nothing else about Das Tal, you know that it's a sprawling open-ended sandbox. (If you didn't know that, well, you know...
Whale whale whale.

Worlds Adrift previews its creature-based ecology

The developers of Worlds Adrift currently have three types of creature in the game. Yes, just three. If that sounds like a rather small...

EVE Vegas 2015: Citadel expansion details revealed

CCP promised some big reveals at EVE Vegas 2015 and so far it has definitely delivered. In yesterday's EVE Online keynote speech, we heard concrete...
Walk Around In Clothing Still Inappropriate For Walking Online

TERA welcomes new players with a video guide

Every MMO has its own quirks that other games simply don't possess, and TERA is no exception. Sure, you're familiar with the basics of...
I'm looking at you through the glass.

Check out some footage of planetary landing in Elite: Dangerous

Space may very well be the final frontier, but it's the planets within space that get your imagination going. Elite: Dangerous is letting players...
is land

Worlds Adrift developers offer up a half-hour developer walkthrough

11When you have a sprawling game like Worlds Adrift, it can be hard to know where you're supposed to start playing. That's where walkthrough...
Cool players don't look at explosions.

Guild Wars 2 shows off its new action camera

The combat of Guild Wars 2 sits in an interesting place between full-on action combat and more traditional combat mechanics, but it definitely edges...
Prettier than this.

Take a look at RuneScape’s NXT client and the client’s design goals

With 15 years of history under its belt, RuneScape can't help but show its age. But there's a new client on the way, and...
Now I'm the best thing ever!

WildStar offers up a free-to-play feature trailer

The fact that WildStar is free-to-play means that people who've never bought the game can try it out, and the people who were already...
It's been a long time.

Check out a teaser for RuneScape’s 15-year anniversary documentary

Next year, RuneScape will be celebrating 15 years of continual operation. Even if you don't play the game and consider it one of your...
Part of your etc.

Crowfall answers development questions for the month of October

It would be pretty unpleasant to log in to Crowfall and find out that while you and your friends were offline, the stronghold that...
You seem trustworthy.

Funcom explains The Park in a new video

Players of The Secret World already know the history of the eponymous amusement park in The Park, but there's a world of difference between...
Hey, guy.

Webzen announces beta testing for ELOA

So what the heck is ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance? Seriously, that's one heck of a title. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense,...
Egi me on.

Blade & Soul dedicates a week to the Summoner

Would you consider a cat to be a faithful battle companion? If not, you probably haven't played a Summoner in Blade & Soul, the...
We are running out of roads.

Check out preview videos for the next Lord of the Rings Online update

Minas Tirith is a big deal in Lord of the Rings Online; everything bringing player characters closer to Mordor is important, and Minas Tirith...
Forward, my friends. To houses!

Guild Wars 2 shares more guild hall details, confirms raid gearing

Guild Halls are a big part of the feature list for Guild Wars 2's first expansion, and with good cause. The ongoing livestreams of...