Global Chat: V Rising isn’t the Diablo clone you might expect


In An Age tucked into the bloody meal that is V Rising following the vampiric survival game’s launch and found it a mixed bag indeed.

“Anyway, I’m still playing V Rising and have every expectation to keep playing for now. Whether that is due to the underlying gameplay being better than I am giving it credit for, or because I am starved for new survival-crafting experiences, I cannot say. What I can say is that if you expect a Diablo experience, you will be disappointed. I definitely spend more time hitting rocks with a mace than I do hitting enemies for loot. ”

Read on for more MMO essays from World of Warcraft, DDO, ESO, and more!

The Ancient Gaming Noob relayed some thoughts after three weeks of Cataclysm Classic’s pre-patch: “I mean sure, if you wanted to roll up a Goblin or Worgen character, you had some runway to get that done. And I guess there is the new archaeology trade skill to work on… though I always found archaeology dull and somewhat less rewarding than many of the already dull and unrewarding trade skills in the game.”

Heartless Gamer returned to ESO 10 years later: “When I had played the beta and then launch I bounced off the game quickly. So quickly that it didn’t even make a blog post (that I can find anyways). My recollection of my experience was that combat felt floaty and like you were ice skating; the rest of the game didn’t stick with me at the time.”

Inventory Full ruminated on the lead-up to Pandaria Remix: “More specifically, a whole chunk of the Remix’s remit seems to draw inspiration directly from EQII’s Kael Drakkal server. In case you don’t remember, that was the one where you started at 90 and all the content in the game was at the same level, which I admit doesn’t sound very similar at all.”

Micki’s Delirium achieved the “completionist” achievement in DDO: “The completionist feat is since a few years ago autogranted when you reach level 3 on the life after you’ve acquired 15 different heroic past lives. For Cerge’s 16th life, he is a favored soul.”

Tales of the Aggronaut reports that Diablo IV is actually kinda fun these days: “Yesterday was the launch of Diablo IV Season 4, and I had more or less decided that this was going to be the last chance I gave the game. It took almost a year of reworking almost every system in the game, but I am pleased to announce that the game is actually enjoyable now.”

Meghan Plays Games wrote up the Girlfriend’s Guide to Fortnite: “How might other people get into the game, and start to enjoy it? Even people like me, who had negative interest in the game to begin with? Well, I’m thinking of a very specific group of dedicated girlies who play games with their partners – truly, the backbone of our society.”

Every day there are tons of terrific, insightful, and unusual articles posted across the MMO gaming blogosphere — and every day, Justin reads as many as he can. Global Chat is a sampling of noteworthy essays, rants, and guides from the past few weeks of MMO discourse.
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