– World of Warcraft
– Warcraft series, a series of video games that began in 1994
As one of Massively OP's resident modding nuts, I am drawn to MMORPGs that offer plugin support and modding APIs. World of Warcraft's modding...
Like the dinosaurs and giant shoulderpads in women's suits, World of Warcraft support for two older Windows operating systems is about to become extinct.
Despairing that you'll never get a legendary item in World of Warcraft? Have patience, young grasshopper, because it might just happen soon. Blizzard revealed...
Blizzard Watch ran an editorial yesterday quoting former marine biologist and World of Warcraft Lead Systems Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street on the subject of...
Ages ago on the MMORPG subreddit, a player made a bold statement: MMORPGs are designed for low-skill gamers.
"I remember being dazzled by EverQuest and...
There has been some back-and-forth about World of Warcraft's Artifact Power system. The problem that people have run into, essentially, is that the game's...
MMOs, like any other hobby, have their own terminology. We have the term "newb" for new players, "noob" for players who aren't actually new...
In a new interview with Glixel, World of Warcraft Game Director Ion Hazzikostas opened up about the creation and use of WoW Tokens in...
There's a neat cross-promotion going on right now between Heroes of the Storm and World of Warcraft. Blizzard is encouraging its fans to give...
Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, the column through which Massively Overpowered readers can have their guild-related questions or concerns addressed through...
Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, WoW tokens, Ashes of Creation, Guild Wars 2, and Revelation Online, plus financials on Blizzard, NCsoft, Nexon, Square, and Funcom, with a mailbag question on playing what you love vs. going with the crowd.
One of the largest and most enduring arguments of the MMO genre is the purpose, legality, and profitability of so-called lockboxes in games. We've...
Wherever there is trouble, Manastu Utakata will be there to fight it with her lightning-fast screenshot button and trademark pink hair. Villains, start running right...
We were remarking in the Massively OP office the other day how weird it was that Club Penguin's shutdown was getting mainstream news attention...
Patch 7.2 is the first real content patch that we've gotten for World of Warcraft post-Legion. Obviously, 7.1 wasn't devoid of content, but it...
Some World of Warcraft players are asking if Blizzard is going to make good on its promise to improve communication with fans, and in...
Blizzard really, really wants its game launcher to be best friends with your Facebook account.
The studio has introduced a new version of the beta launcher...
During our Elder Scrolls Online housing stream earlier this week, Larry and I joked about World of Warcraft's half-hearted and ineffective attempts to satisfy...
Massively OP reader and frequent tipster Gibbins wants us to play match-maker.
"I love the wonderful world that Bethesda created with the Fallout franchise, not...
Activision-Blizzard's quarterly financial reports have gotten boring since the companies decided to stop reporting World of Warcraft subscribers in 2015, am I right?
But in...
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