wisdom of nym

Wisdom of Nym is a Final Fantasy XIV column by Eliot Lefebvre. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]


Wisdom of Nym: Contrasting the storytelling of Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XI

We've just started what may be the second major arc in Final Fantasy XIV... maybe. Like, the developers are understandably reluctant to commit to...

Wisdom of Nym: The dark side of role quests in Final Fantasy XIV

I haven't been shy talking about liking the role quests that are currently available in Dawntrail. Indeed, I think that Final Fantasy XIV has...
Hey folks.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s DPS jobs need a balance pass post-Dawntrail

Balance at the start of a new expansion is always really hard. It's not impossible, but the Final Fantasy XIV team has an uphill...
Holla back.

Wisdom of Nym: Is Final Fantasy XIV finally fixing its housing problem?

It was a tiny, incidental line in Final Fantasy XIV's live letter. The sort of thing that you could easily miss, especially since it's...
Shock, awe.

Wisdom of Nym: The key takeaways from Final Fantasy XIV’s Crossroads update live letter

I can't believe that after we've gone so many different places, at long last, Final Fantasy XIV is going to have Soken do a...
Voyage onward.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV v1.0 is gone – except when we’re told to think about it

In Final Fantasy XIV's version 1.0, the Coral Tower was not home to the Marauder's Guild. The Marauder's Guild was, in fact, located in...
He seems happy.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on the future of the next Final Fantasy XIV level cap increase

First and foremost, if you are about to scarper off to the comments to share the obvious answer to the question, please know that...
Trying to find a hammer.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s unavailable NPC jobs

Something interesting is going to happen when Final Fantasy XIV adds Beastmaster to the game as a limited job. No matter what weapon the...
We have fun here (I don't)

Wisdom of Nym: Let’s talk about Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail’s key artifact

Yes, I'm having a bit of fun in the title here. Obviously there is one main artifact that serves at a major plot element...
It burns, burns, burns.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on Final Fantasy XIV’s Beastmaster

We currently know very little about Final Fantasy XIV's Beastmaster. We know that it's going to be coming at some point during the Dawntrail...

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on Final Fantasy XIV’s Allied Societies for Dawntrail

We've gone through a lot of different names for what are now being called Allied Societies in Final Fantasy XIV, but I think this...
With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: Why Dawntrail might be my favorite Final Fantasy XIV expansion in years

Let's start this week's Wisdom of Nym by clarifying something: If you ask me if Dawntrail is the best Final Fantasy XIV expansion, I...
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: The story beats that really work in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail

Before I dive into this week's column, I want to start things off by noting a weird aspect of storytelling that's true in Final...
Level up, loser.

Wisdom of Nym: The actual storytelling issues with Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail

I'm not exactly surprised that basically any controversy vis-a-vis Final Fantasy XIV's most recent expansion is pretty much completely focused on the story (with...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Arcadion brings the noise

There has been a question that has kind of been bubbling in the background of the entire premise behind Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, and...
Hey folks.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail’s delightfully light role quests

Something that happens sometimes with Final Fantasy XIV is that it takes the team a couple of tries to get a new idea right....
Well, that happened

The Soapbox: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail, mortality, remembrance, and last chances

Earlier this week, at least at the time of this op ed's writing, I completed the main story for Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail, and...
Level up, loser.

Wisdom of Nym: Spoiler-free impressions of Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail’s leveling dungeons

The funny thing about Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail's story is that in some ways spoiling it feels pretty minor. Like, it's not unconscionable to...
You have too much junk.

First Impresions: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail is a dense summer getaway for the MMORPG

I finished up Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail's story a while ago, but I've been spending a couple days turning over what I think about...
With strong eye contact.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail’s relatively smooth early access isn’t a sign of doom

On Sunday evening, I had to log out from Final Fantasy XIV to take care of an errand. This is not unusual. It is,...