Wisdom of Nym is a Final Fantasy XIV column by Eliot Lefebvre. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]
wisdom of nym
Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival Las Vegas: What new jobs are hinted at by Yoshida’s shirt?
At this point, Final Fantasy XIV fans have spent a decade now reading a whole lot into the shirts worn by producer and director...
Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival Las Vegas: All the big news from the patch 6.5 live letter
Let's not mince words: Final Fantasy XIV has every fan hyped up for the next expansion coming in about a year. But there's more...
Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival Las Vegas: Keynote takeaways, Dawntrail, and Xbox X|S
The Final Fantasy XIV fan festival is upon us yet again, and as we all expected, we now know the name of the next...
Wisdom of Nym: Reviewing Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.45, from Blue Mage to Rokkon
Look, I know what the title says, but this review is not actually going to be any shorter than normal. If you were worried...
Wisdom of Nym: So how will Final Fantasy XIV cross with Final Fantasy XVI?
At this point, Final Fantasy XIV has directly crossed over with three separate titles in the Final Fantasy franchise: Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy...
Wisdom of Nym: The forgotten classes of Final Fantasy XIV
Machinist ruined classes forever in Final Fantasy XIV. But don't entirely blame that job; some of it was just a matter of figuring how...
Wisdom of Nym: Pandæmonium’s flop in Final Fantasy XIV
Raid series in Final Fantasy XIV have had a complicated history from a story standpoint. The Binding Coil of Bahamut was an interesting attempt,...
MMO Burnout: Final Fantasy XVI is a high-water mark for the franchise in every way that matters
Over the coming days, weeks, months, and likely years, we are going to watch a whole lot of fighting happen over Final Fantasy XVI....
Wisdom of Nym: The clues to watch for at Final Fantasy XIV’s Fan Festival
One of the things I find myself coming back to a lot is how information is only as useful as your ability to digest...
Wisdom of Nym: Turning a critical eye toward Final Fantasy XIV’s Bozja
There's honestly not much for me to say about Eureka in Final Fantasy XIV. I can respect what it was trying to do, and...
Wisdom of Nym: Has Final Fantasy XIV had less stuff to do each patch in Endwalker?
Just to make a point, I am going to start off this column by answering the question factually, and the answer is "no." Final...
Wisdom of Nym: Breaking down Final Fantasy XIV’s The Dark Throne storylines
So there are, in fact, a number of stories going on in Final Fantasy XIV's The Dark Throne patch, but there are only two...
Wisdom of Nym: Spoiler-free thoughts on Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.4’s content
Here we are with another Final Fantasy XIV patch to experience, and as is tradition, we're going to spend this week talking about the...
Wisdom of Nym: Top takeaways from Final Fantasy XIV’s The Dark Throne patch notes
I have to say that whole "preliminary" patch notes thing that Final Fantasy XIV has been pulling for years now has begun to wear...
Wisdom of Nym: Looking ahead to Final Fantasy XIV’s The Dark Throne
It's almost here! Yes, I know, we have a little longer until Final Fantasy XIV's next patch properly arrives for the game since it's...
Wisdom of Nym: What happens at the end of Final Fantasy XIV’s The Dark Throne?
So here's the situation as we know it right now: Either on May 23rd or May 30th, patch 6.4, The Dark Throne will release...
Wisdom of Nym: What to expect from 2023’s Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival
We've still got a couple months until Final Fantasy XIV's next fan festival, but it's already in an interesting place. In one sense, this...
Wisdom of Nym: We don’t need another Final Fantasy XIV – we already have one
First of all, this one's for Bruno. He usually doesn't read these, but maybe he'll like this one.
So we all know at this point...
Wisdom of Nym: Everything is broken – a tale of Final Fantasy XIV post-Calamity
"Marise? Are ye up there, girl?"
The answer was yes, but she didn't much feel like answering. Actually, she didn't feel much liked doing anything...
Wisdom of Nym: This is how Final Fantasy XIV wants you to play, even if it doesn’t say so
It is not a surprise that Final Fantasy XIV wants you to play the game a certain way. There are mechanics in place to...