world first

Forgot about this?

Final Fantasy XIV director expresses frustration and confusion as another world first clear is won via addon use

It would appear that Final Fantasy XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida has McFreaking had it with addons being used in order for raid...
Sure, let's rip this off.

The Daily Grind: Do you care about world firsts in MMOs?

I don't care much about world firsts in MMOs, but I've certainly been guilded with people who cared a lot, even before games started...

The Daily Grind: Do you care about world firsts in MMOs?

Hey, remember back when people used to type "first!" as the first reply to threads? Yeah, that was funny for like a whole week,...

World of Warcraft guild Method nets world-first Mythic Uldir clear, Blizzard introduces $75 mount-and-subscription bundle

Just over one week after Blizzard opened the gates to World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth's mythic Uldir raid, the raid has been cleared...