world of warcraft legion

See: Legion, WoW’s 2016 expansion.

Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft: Legion overview panel recap

There's an expansion in the works for World of Warcraft. That's not news. It's the details of that expansion that fans have been anxiously...
Some elves have no eyes any more. Be sensitive.

WoW Factor: Wild guessing about Demon Hunters

So what's the deal with World of Warcraft's Demon Hunter? We just don't know yet. But the space to speculate is pretty awesome. I mentioned...
Demon Hunters HATE this holiday

Gamescom 2015: More details on World of Warcraft: Legion

It's only been a day since the announcement of World of Warcraft: Legion, but fans are already eager to learn more about the expansion....
When it comes.

WoW Factor: Analyzing Legion with a critical eye

All right, let me just say for the record that when it comes to this expansion, my speculation last week was meant as just...

World of Warcraft announces Legion expansion with Demon Hunter class, Broken Isles continent; beta this year

The liveblog is after the cut. Here are the highlights! Blizzard has just announced World of Warcraft's next expansion: Legion. Blizzard's Tom Chilton says that...