wrath of heroes

MOBA sunsetted in 2013 by EA

Bungie’s Carrie Gouskos shares the sad story of Warhammer Online’s odd MOBA spin-off

Those faithful Warhammer Online veterans in our audience will no doubt recall the name Carrie Gouskos. Gouskos, who's currently working as an executive producer...
Infinite Crisis

The Game Archaeologist: The tale of Infinite Crisis, Turbine’s extremely short-lived DC Comics MOBA

Sharp minds will recall that back in 2012, EA Mythic attempted to turn its declining MMO fortunes by repackaging Warhammer Online into a MOBA...

Warhammer Online’s Return of Reckoning server brings back Keg End and introduces a new scenario

The rogue server for Warhammer Online isn't letting this year exit without one final drunken bash. Keg End kicked off in Return of Reckoning...
waugh? okay

Warhammer Return of Reckoning plans new scenarios, new quests, and Necropolis of Zandr public tests

The Warhammer Online rogue server Return of Reckoning has lots of big plans in 2022. Fresh announcements from the operators of the emulator outline...

The Game Archaeologist: Warhammer Online

When it comes to notable years in the MMORPG genre's history, 2008 stands out as one of the most significant. World of Warcraft's debut...

Perfect Ten: A dozen MOBAs that didn’t make it

With the insane success -- both in terms of popularity and finances -- that Dota and League of Legends spawned, you can easily understand...

The Daily Grind: Are MOBAs destined for a Great Crash?

Make no mistake, even with the recent launch of Heroes of the Storm, MOBAs are crashing and burning all over the place these days....