xbox 360

Jukebox Heroes: It’s time to turn your MMO’s music back on

We're going to take a detour from our tour of various MMO soundtracks to talk about one of the most common statements I hear...

Destiny 2’s Solstice of Heroes late summer event returns next week

If you're still sulking because Bungie delayed Destiny 2's Beyond Light expansion from September to November, well, there's a little something you can do...

Final Fantasy XI’s Voracious Resurgence arc is live as Square teases the Sunbreeze Festival

The devs of Final Fantasy XI don't seem to really appreciate what "maintenance mode" is understood to mean, judging by the new pieces of...

The Daily Grind: Who is the greatest female NPC in an MMO?

From Jaina to Wonder Woman, Vette to Galadriel, MMORPGs sport an inspiring roster of strong and fascinating women. Sometimes they headline the game, as...

Trove interview: Gamigo on console’s future, Bomber Royale, and the next class for a revamp

With Trove's fifth birthday and its Delves expansion now behind it, we're curious about what's next for the game. Gamigo's Cornelia and Coby -...
Be the first on your block to GIVE ME MONEY

Final Fantasy XI: The Voracious Resurgence gets its own teaser site

It turns out that Final Fantasy XI will just keep going forever. The game has been pumping out monthly updates reliably ever since its...

The MOP Up: All Points Bulletin revs its engine upgrade

This past weekend, Little Orbit's All Points Bulletin ran its second open beta test as it prepares to roll out the huge Unreal Engine...

Jukebox Heroes: The ultimate guide to MMORPG music

It's been a long, strange, and wonderful journey to explore MMORPG music with you here in Jukebox Heroes. And while I am anticipating many...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI’s August update includes the first new storyline after Rhapsodies of Vana’diel

It appears that even the claims of Final Fantasy XI's story being finished were greatly exaggerated. That's not news, of course, but it is...

Wisdom of Nym: Everything we learned in Final Fantasy XIV’s 5.3 live letter

It's not exactly a secret to people who follow my presence on various feeds that I'm not doing great right now emotionally, but the...
Sure. All right. Nice. Fine.

Destiny 2 outlines the details behind its inclusion on Xbox Game Pass

The big news for Destiny 2 this week was one that will have mixed appeal for existing players because the free-to-play title is coming...

SuperData June 2020: Valorant had the ‘biggest launch ever for a free-to-play PC title’

It's time for our monthly check-in on how the games industry is doing according to SuperData's numbers, and don't worry - they're all still...

Destiny 2 expands its Season of Arrivals as a result of the Beyond Light expansion delay

Since Destiny 2's upcoming Beyond Light expansion has been pushed back into November, reason would perhaps stand that the ongoing Season of Arrivals would...

Destiny 2’s Beyond Light expansion is delayed from September to November 10

Remember about five weeks ago when Bungie announced that it was working on three additional expansions for Destiny 2, the first of which would...
Effing OOPS

Perfect Ten: Classic alt challenges for MMOs

When you start up your first character in a new MMO, it's all fresh and novel. But if you're the sort of tedious weirdo...

One Shots: Forest for the trees

There's something enchanting and thrillingly dangerous about stepping into a vast forest in an MMORPG. You never know what may be around the next...

The Crew 2 adds movie-themed events and new vehicles in the Summer in Hollywood update

It's time to celebrate the summer season and iconic vehicular cinema moments in The Crew 2 with the newly released Summer in Hollywood update....
These guys.

Final Fantasy XI’s newest login campaign offers you a bed for moogles

Unfortunately for dedicated Final Fantasy XI players,the latest login campaign for FFXI does not give you a bed made of moogles. In fact, it's...

Star Citizen fans put together a horror-themed machinima using in-game footage

Despite Star Citizen being in an alpha state, there's still enough in-game content for people to try to make machinima. That's just what one...

Perfect Ten: More time traveling adventures in MMOs

Writers and geeks alike can't seem to get enough of time travel -- and neither can I! Back in 2017, I wrote a list of...