It’s wedding bells for Ultima Online. The classic fantasy MMO is putting together a housing package for its relatively new in-game cash shope that will allow players to throw the wedding day of their dreams. Of course, this being Ultima Online and all, part of the package is “magical cake batter.” Mmm.
Apart from weddings, the team says that it is going full-bore on Publish 96 for February and Publish 97 following that. The former patch will allow for larger screen resolutions in the classic client, while latter update will contain the much-anticipated tamer pet revamp.
The team also addressed a recent rollback to its Oceania shard: “I would like to address the revert on Oceania. The fail-safes we have in place which are meant to notify us of an issue did not do so correctly. We are still investigating to determine the nature of the failure. We are sorry Oceania had a two-day revert and want to thank everyone for being so patient while we fixed the issue.”