LOTRO squashes a pesky spider (and other bugs) with Update 40.0.1


Who doesn’t want to see a few bugs squashed in an MMO — especially if said critter had too many legs for comfort? Lord of the Rings Online is deploying Update 40.0.1 today with the primary intent to fix various small issues that cropped up with last week’s content drop.

This includes dealing with a pesky arachnid: “Due to an issue with the new rare Spider spawn, Lightless Matron, she will be deactivated until a future update.” Oh spider, what did you doooo.

Today also activates the first “Tales of the Kindred” quest in a new series that will gradually unfold over the course of two months. You have to have access to the Beneath the Surface quest pack to play it, however.

Source: LOTRO
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